Drink that water?

rebrafe Posts: 64
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone...just wondering if you think that while keeping to your diet and exercising - drinking too little water will make it so that you do not lose weight?


  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    i don't think it will "stop" it, but, I do think it will go more slowly. (depending on the lack of water, NO water at all would be a bad thing.)
  • The more water the better, for an extra little edge make the water as cold as you can stand to drink it so you have to burn calories to maintain you core temp. They say to get 8 cups I have heard as much as a gallon. I've tried a gallon is damn hard to drink in one day and when your first getting used to it you will probably make a few extra trips to the restroom.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I don't know about other folks, but I can retain A LOT of water if I don't drink water (I will never understand that!). Aside from the retention issue, I think it would just make losing weight harder--your body works better with water... at processing foods, as well as lubricating joints, rushing oxygen to muscles, etc. while exercising.

    Oh... and I drink about 120-130 ounces of water every day!
  • I try to get in at least 3 liters a day. It helps to flush some of the extra sodium from your body, and believe it or not, too little water will actually make you retain fluids. I thinks its part of that whole starvation mode thing. :wink:
  • meg811
    meg811 Posts: 49
    Drink as much water as you can!!

    I was getting frustrated losing .5 or 1 pound a week the last few weeks, but last week I drank tons and tons and tons of water, and lost 4. I don't know if it was a fluke since I wasn't drinking enough or what, but I'll take the 4 lb drop! It was the motivation I needed again.
  • I agree with drinking a lot of water. When I don't drink a decent amount of water I retain 5-7 lbs (I know, I'm a champ) for a few days. Plus I've noticed I feel better when I drink more. Hardest thing ever for me was quitting the Diet Pepsi habit. It has been a week now and the first few days were a crabby, head-achey bundle of unfun.
  • Water does a lot for you, specially cleans your body and accelerates a lot of things that help you lose weight. Being hydrated is very important. Drink your minimum 8 cups a day... or more!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I found some great info on why drink water when dieting.

    Drinking a big glass of water whenever you feel hungry and before a meal or snack fills the stomach briefly and makes you feel fuller and stop eating sooner.

    Breaking down body fat and body muscle during weight loss produces wastes that must be eliminated through the kidneys. Drinking enough water is important to keep the kidneys functioning to remove these wastes.

    Popular high-protein diets produce more waste products from digestion, let alone from breaking down stored fat. Kidney function is even more important when on a high-protein diet.

    Drinking Water Briefly Increases Metabolism

    Drinking 500 mL of water (a half-liter or about a pint) increased the study participants' metabolism briefly - for about a half hour. In that time they burned an extra 25 calories. That's about a quarter of a piece of sliced bread, or 5 M&Ms. The researchers theorized that most of the effect comes from warming the water in the stomach. In the male participants the calories came mostly from stored fat, in the women it came from stored carbohydrates. The paper was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, December, 2003. It was conducted by researchers in Berlin.

    Eight Glasses of Water a Day?

    The study provides some support for the general recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day while dieting. For most people that would add a liter or two to their regular water intake. The extra calorie-burn would be about 100 calories a day if drinking 2 liters (2 quarts or 4 water-bottles full) more than usual.

    Dangers of Too Much Water

    Don't start drinking an extra gallon of water a day - that can kill you, especially if you are fasting or eating very little. Water taken in must be in balance with body salt - electrolytes. The body needs to maintain salt balance or risk hyponatremia with heart attack and even death. Drinking too much water dilutes the salt in your blood and tissues - and can kill you. Healthy athletes have died from drinking too much plain water and not replacing salt. Dieters should not plunge into drinking gallons of water a day in hopes of burning a few more calories. Drink an extra few glasses, yes. But a gallon is too much.
    Drinking and Walking

    Exercise causes the metabolism to rise and body water to be lost through increased respiration and sweat. Drink a large glass of water an hour before exercise. Drink during exercise as you get thirsty.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I don't know about other folks, but I can retain A LOT of water if I don't drink water (I will never understand that!). Aside from the retention issue, I think it would just make losing weight harder--your body works better with water... at processing foods, as well as lubricating joints, rushing oxygen to muscles, etc. while exercising.

    Oh... and I drink about 120-130 ounces of water every day!

    I am exactly the same way. If I don't drink enough water I puff up like a balloon.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    Some of the posts on this thread make me a little nervous -- drinking TOO much water can be harmful to your health as well. Most of us will likely never experience medical hyperhydration, but it's just good to be aware that it's possible.

    Also, excessive thirst can be a sign of diabetes. Again, if you've always drank a lot of water, it's probably not cause for concern, but if you experience increasing thirst along with a few other signs, you might want to talk to a doctor about testing for diabetes.

    All that said, I usually drink 64 - 96 oz. a day (three Nalgenes). I can't say it's helped me lose weight because I've done it for years while my weight has gone up and down, but I do think it helps me feel a little bit fuller. If nothing else, it forces me to get up and walk down the hall to the bathroom now and then!
  • mommycate
    mommycate Posts: 7 Member
    Does anyone have any tips on how to get more water down? I feel like I've tried everything, and I just can't even seem to remember to drink the water until I'm dieing of thirst. I think part of it is having 2 under 3 at home.

    Right now I'm pretty sure I get down about 16-32oz a day, if that :( and i know its hindering my weight loss MAJOR.
  • thanks so much for all of the feedback - definitely going to up my intake :)
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