Feel like I'm cheating...



  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Thank you - that's what i needed to clarify. Yes- you need to eat- but most people think " i worked out now i can eat " - and they just " delete-" all the sweat with all the food they get back in their body. Yes- you should eat after a workout- but we should know " what " to eat and how much . Protein is the best choice after workout- it repairs the damage and keeps you full while building the muscles you are trying to get .
    And it's good that you clarified that there is a diff. between people like myself who have 80-100 lbs to lose and people with 10-20 lbs extra.
    the example of " car beeing out of fuel and you can't fill it up " .. body can't produce energy out of thin air- that analogy is correct - but again people with significant amount of " extra fat " have the " extra " fuel - and that's exactly where our body will and should go to " make the energy " .. that fat that we have " is THE energy you are mentioning the " pit stop " .. -

    for me this is clear now thx for explaining :)
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I don't eat my work-out calories. Here are the reasons:

    1. Workout burns are very general and not specific, unless you are using a body bugg or something of that nature. So, you could potentially be eating too much.
    2. Your work-out calories are like extra credit! If you are not hungry or don't really need those extra calories, why eat all of your hard work? You work-out for weight loss, not to eat all of them back.
    3. The people on the biggest loser are not eating their burned calories. Kinda silly, but it's serious.

    I can agree with you on point 1. It's true - those of us not wearing a HRM don't know the exact burned. It's why I eat 1/2 back maximum

    Your second point really depends on the person and situation.

    Point 3 - the Biggest Loser? Poor example. Most of them don't keep all the weight off they lose and tend to gain 20 pounds in just actual food and water once the show is over. Not to mention they aren't healthy and it's a freaking freality show. Fake and so much is convoluted by the producers. I adore the show for what it is, but to iuse it as an exaple as you are now is rather silly.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    we can call it silly and what ever we want- the fact is they DO lose the weight that most of us are "dreaming " to lose.

    not " all " of them gain it all back.. few members did gain it .. but a lot of them are continuing on a healthy life style.
    there is a lot of stuff we can argue about- :) but.. i think the show is an " eye " opener - to me it was few years ago when i saw a " fat person working out " that was a revolution to me.. " a fat person " ?? i never seen a fat p erson workout - seriously- all you see is this 6pack people on tv - well once i saw that- i realized " i can " move !

    and i think we don't give the show the credit it diserves- yes it is a reality show- but also it is a reality that many of the members came there with a ton of medication and health problems- and they fixed it to the most part.. while many other people just continue using theire health state- and medication for an additional excuse to continue with their unhealthy life style.
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    You might not wanna hear this but cutting the beer out will help you shed pounds alot quicker. Sorry I know you did not wanna hear that but limit to one beer a week or something could make all the difference.

  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    I eat back every single one of my workout calories and still loose weight. I love to eat! I take that 300-400 cal deficit I have at the end of a day I worked out and make a delicious snack. It may be the best part of my day. haha
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    I also have been eating all of my exercise calories. I work out 3-4 days a week. The rest of the days, I am on 1200 calories. I have noticed a steady loss so far. And, I hardly ever feel hungry.