Why bother?



  • beMOEfit
    beMOEfit Posts: 10 Member
    The point to exercise harder and burn 600 instead of 300 is to be built. Have you ever heard the term Skinny Fat? This is what unhealthy skinny people are called/look like. Now if you do the cardio and weight training, people will see the definition. And FYI, definition is Bad *kitten*!
  • farmgirl88
    farmgirl88 Posts: 91 Member
  • zach1356
    zach1356 Posts: 13 Member
    burn more to build muscle. muscle = sexy. boom.
  • Cristy_AZ
    If I understand your question correctly your saying I could just eat 1200 calories a day and not workout at all, or not workout hard because I just eat them back anyway. Well, first off I don't think I would be able to loose 80 pounds that way, but also because exercise is good for my heart, my endurance, my mental and emotional state and, so much more and when I do loose those 80 pounds I'd like to have some tone muscles and nice skin,.not look like a skinny fat person with baggy skin! Plus when my Doctor said I need to lower my cholesterol, she said I should be able to do it on my own with diet AND EXERCISE, if not, I'd have to go on medication... so that's why I workout besides the fact that I LIKE to be able to eat a little more ;)
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Yus that was pretty close :] but I think that every American should be working out 3-4 times a week, my question was more about how much. like the difference between working out for 30 min vs 1 hr when you still will have the same calorie deficent at the end of the day
  • parakeet
    parakeet Posts: 28 Member
    We exercise to stay fit,feel great,and have toned body.They are so many reasons.A diet without sport wouldn't be the same.The skin would be lose,we wouldn't have toned muscles .And with sport our metabolism works faster.It is also good for the heart.But to much exercise of course can damage the body as well.I noticed I am more hungry after my workouts,so it is nice to have the extra calories and I still lose weight,but don't forget the other benefits you get out of doing sports.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I work out for the strength, fitness, health, flexibility, and general sense of well-being it gives me. I eat to fuel my body for its daily activities, including my workouts. When I want to lose some fat, I eat at a bit of a deficit, but whether I want to lose, gain or maintain, the more I work out, the more I need to eat.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    You pretty much hit on all of the points I was going to make so I wanted to add to your train of thought.

    In reality there is no reason to run for 6 miles instead of 3 when weight loss is your goal. You can lose weight by just walking a mile everyday as long as you keep to a strict diet. The problem is when you lose weight by not exercising, you will lose lean muscle. Don't think about just the muscles on your arms and legs, remember to think about the muscles around your heart and other organs. Losing muscle in those places can lead to health complications as you get older. But if you exercise regularly then you help build muscle all over your body which leads to healthy organs and a healthy metabolism.

    What you're really talking about is cardiovascular stamina. Obviously you will gain stamina by exercising for longer periods of time and keeping your heart rate in the target zone. So when training to increase your endurance you need to push yourself to go farther or you will burn out too quickly.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I work out to tone, build muscle, and get stronger. I run to build up endurance and I lift weights so I can build muscle that will burn fat for me. I eat LESS to lose fat.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    You pretty much hit on all of the points I was going to make so I wanted to add to your train of thought.

    In reality there is no reason to run for 6 miles instead of 3 when weight loss is your goal. You can lose weight by just walking a mile everyday as long as you keep to a strict diet. The problem is when you lose weight by not exercising, you will lose lean muscle. Don't think about just the muscles on your arms and legs, remember to think about the muscles around your heart and other organs. Losing muscle in those places can lead to health complications as you get older. But if you exercise regularly then you help build muscle all over your body which leads to healthy organs and a healthy metabolism.

    What you're really talking about is cardiovascular stamina. Obviously you will gain stamina by exercising for longer periods of time and keeping your heart rate in the target zone. So when training to increase your endurance you need to push yourself to go farther or you will burn out too quickly.

    Thank you! *votes as best answer* :]
    I didnt think it really made much a difference in weight loss goals, just depending on what you want to look like, or in my case how you want to perform. Like i said I exercise so i can get faster, stronger, and better! but I was just curious of looking at it for someone's point of view that is not playing a sport
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    You pretty much hit on all of the points I was going to make so I wanted to add to your train of thought.

    In reality there is no reason to run for 6 miles instead of 3 when weight loss is your goal. You can lose weight by just walking a mile everyday as long as you keep to a strict diet. The problem is when you lose weight by not exercising, you will lose lean muscle. Don't think about just the muscles on your arms and legs, remember to think about the muscles around your heart and other organs. Losing muscle in those places can lead to health complications as you get older. But if you exercise regularly then you help build muscle all over your body which leads to healthy organs and a healthy metabolism.

    What you're really talking about is cardiovascular stamina. Obviously you will gain stamina by exercising for longer periods of time and keeping your heart rate in the target zone. So when training to increase your endurance you need to push yourself to go farther or you will burn out too quickly.

    Thank you! *votes as best answer* :]
    I didnt think it really made much a difference in weight loss goals, just depending on what you want to look like, or in my case how you want to perform. Like i said I exercise so i can get faster, stronger, and better! but I was just curious of looking at it for someone's point of view that is not playing a sport

    You're welcome and thank you! You're right - it really just depends on what your priorities are. Some people train for sports, like you, some people push themselves so they can run marathons, some people exercise to look hot at the beach, and some people just want to walk a few miles without getting out of breath. The tougher your goal is to accomplish the harder you have to train.