Need help figuring calorie goal

losinit11 Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all,

I just started here, and I'm not sure I have the right number of Calories for myself. I'm at 213, and want to lose about 80 pounds. But, I'm having a hard time staying at or under 1200 calories. I try to eat organically, as much as possible, but it's not always possible. Anyways, I guess I just have to keep going and see what works for me? Any thoughts on nailing the right numbers?

Thanks so much, I've only been on for 2 days and I can already see it's helping me change my choices!!!


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Welcome! Best advice is to read this thread:

    Good luck to you!
  • Welcome. Maybe you could aim just to lose ten pounds first and find out what the calorie goal is for that weight and then aim for that to start? i know that its hard to stay within your calorie limit when you first start. it just takes time to learn what you can eat and what to skip or minimize. good luck to you. = )
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have found that the more "clean" healthy food I eat the MORE I can eat in a day. For example, I have eliminated all condiments except for dijon and regular mustard as that can almost double the calories in a sandwich.

    Stay away from all canned, packaged, and processed foods as they are typically not healthy options and very high in sodium.

    Eat a big breakfast as that will help you to start the day feeling full and that will carry forward for much of the rest of the day, and of course, drink that water! I aim for 10 glasses per day.

    As your work with MFP, making daily choices, you can see how they effect your daily totals. I took me the first 6 months on the site before I started losing weight as I had to relearn how to shop, prepare, and eat my food.

    Good luck to you!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    At 213 lbs, you should be given more than 1200 calories per day, anyway. You may have set your goals too restrictively. Read that thread on calorie deficits, then read all the sticky posts.

    You can change your goal to one pound a week, then when you get used to that number of calories, go to two pounds per week. Whatever it takes to keep you on the plan, do it!
  • Thanks everyone, I guess in my excitement to get the weight off, I lost the real goal here, and that is to get healthy. I'll read the links and reconsider. Thanks for all the suggestions!!
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