Question for the ladies...



  • get_it_gone2012
    I'm currently somewhere between 14 and 12. I want to be a size 6, but I would LOVE to be a size 2 or 4. I doubt that's going to happen, though, so I would be super happy with 6.

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  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    a too snug 14 currently

    size 10 is my goal

    size 8 would rock, but i feel like it would be too hard to maintain.
  • sfoy
    sfoy Posts: 3 Member
    super tight 14

    size 8 is my goal

    size 6 would be amazing!~
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member

    I was a tight 12....
    Now I'm a loose 10 (maybe an 8, but I wont try any on until my pants are hanging down even lower!)
    My goal is a perfect size 6!

    My fantasy is a size 6 too! Sure wearing the #4 would be exciting, but I am a curvy girl, I don't want to be a rail... I can imagine myself being miserable as a size 4 or lower, because it's not my natural body type I would have to starve.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im size 8.
    My goal size is 6.
    And my fantasy size is 4-6.

    Not much of a goal, but iv been dieting for 2 years now and have remained a UK size 8...
    My fantasy is just to loose a pound at the moment lol..
  • Hotlips69
    Current: 14

    Goal: 9

    Fantasy: 7
  • fatreddhead
    Current- 16

    Goal- 12

    Fantasy- 8
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Current: 16
    Goal: 8
    Fantasy: well, I just would like to be an 8!! :) I honestly probably wore this size in 3rd grade!

    Happy with being in a 16 currently- down from my 26 W I was wearing less than a year ago! wooot!
  • KWSR16
    KWSR16 Posts: 91
    At my largest I was a size 18... :( currently I am ranging in between a size 14-12. But I think the pants I have on today are a size 11/12 :)
    My goal size would be between a 6 & 8 (loose 8 and fitted 6)
    My fantasy is a 4/5... will I get there... GOD I HOPE SO!!! That would to totally awesome! That means I would be the size I was at the BEGINNING of high school!!!
  • mrscjwilson
    Started: 24/26
    Current: 14
    Goal size: 12
    Fantasy size:10

    I never want to go under double digits
  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
    Current: 18
    Goal: 11/12

    To be honest, 11/12 has been my fantasy for about 2 years now. Maybe when the goal is accomplished, I'll have a new fantasy. :happy:
  • LizardIsANerd
    Started: 24/26
    Current: 14
    Goal size: 12
    Fantasy size:10

    I never want to go under double digits

    AMEN! I can't imagine that single digits would look healthy at all on me!!
  • LizardIsANerd
    I started out at a 26

    I have no idea what I currently would wear, as I've lost 50 lbs, but still wear my size 26 jeans.

    My goal is to be in like a 6 or so.

    I don't have a fantasy, as I want to achieve my goal :)
    oh girl why do you do yourself the injustice of wearing your "fat" clothes still........give your confidence a boost and go and buy a pair of jeans that fit your "new" body.....i swear your gonna feel like a million bucks

    Yes, they are swimming on me, but they still stay up (for the most part). I haven't bought any new clothes because I'm a SAHM so I figure it doesn't matter what I'm wearing, but I know that I need to get some clothes that fit. Hopefully that will make me feel better about myself (I feel like I don't look any different than when I started).
    Even Stay at Home Moms deserve to look good!!! You should take advantage of the incoming spring lineups and buy a couple of pair of pants when they get marked down - You really will feel totally different in new clothes.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Current: 14 (XL)
    Goal: 10 (M)
    Fantasy: 6 (S)
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    currently 4/6 depending on brand
    goal is a 2 and only because i'm 5'2" and small boned
  • racheyanne1
    I dont have a specific pant/skirt size that I want to be. I just want to wear pants and not have a muffin top, or wear a bra and have back fat. =) And I also want to get a pair of those cute gym shorts and wear them to the gym without feeling like they're riding up my thighs when I run. =) Now that's goal baby! LOL.
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    Started: 22/24
    Current: 16
    Goal size: 12
    Fantasy size: 10