My name is Natalie and I am here to get back to old self

nataliecb Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I slipped and fell at work May of 2008 and broke two vertabrae and ruptured a disc. Since then with meds (including steriods) and 3 surgeries within 7mths I gained 60lbs. I'm still in a very long and slow recovery process and apart of that recovery I know that losing the weight I gained will be a big help and step towards my goal. I’m so tired of seeing my skinny pics and who I used to be, when I am still the same person inside just a little eating impaired at this time. I need support! I need friends hit me up on my fitness pal!


  • Good for you for having the courage to get back in the swing of things after what sounds like a very serious injury!! Good luck, you can do it! This is a great tool
  • Welcome!!! This site is super motivationnal!!! Good luck with everything! You can do this :)
  • parakeet
    parakeet Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome and good luck. :)
  • Welcome to MFP :)
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    oh I know how you feel!!!! i hurst my back at work too.
    Ive been dealing with mine for the past 10 years. 3 surgeries & 87 pounds later...
    If you want to, add me & we can take this weight off & get fit together.
    i just started on MFP 10 days ago.
    my name is wendy & im from wisconsin.
    welcome & here's to getting healthy!
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Sounds like you have been through hell and back. I'm so sorry and feel so bad for how you got to this place. ON the good side, you are taking the steps to get back into shape and better health. Steroids (prednisone) is a wonder drug! But it also has it's horrid side effects. I gained 20 lbs in one month alone when I was taking them for another one of my RA flare ups. It took me a long time to feel good enough to exercise and start my journey back to a healthy me.

    I love MFP and could not have lost the weight and maintained for over half a year now. In fact I've surpassed my original goals. You can too with all the tools and support on MFP. Friend me if you'd like...
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