Wave of helplessness and hopelessness is overcoming me

I'm having a wave of helplessness. I feel like every day is a struggle with weight loss. I eat my goal calories 5+ days a week and do sometimes overeat on my dinner nights with friends, which means I mostly maintain my weight. I just feel like if I ever want to get to my goal or if I want to maintain my goal weight, I'm going to be eating celery for the rest of my life (because just 1 day over 1200 calories maintains me) and counting calories until death. I feel like it isn't POSSIBLE to get under 130 lbs....like it isn't natural or sustainable to be under 130, but the problem is I still feel so fat at 130 lbs. My clothes don't fit right, I look nasty in a bathing suit, I have cellulite, I have an unproportionate stomach to the rest of my body (always been my problem area)....I just want a manual with all the answers. I'm really feeling hopeless.

Just needed to whine-:grumble:



  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    I am at 129 and am not happy either. But what you might need to do instead, is to really workout. pump up that cardio and lift. You will start to look slimmer even if you stay at 130. You well be more tone and slender looking.

    there is such thing as a flabby person at 120lbs as well. I have a cousin that is a pefect example
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hmmm.... maybe work on toning and losing some inches for now and not worry so much about the scale? Are you eating exercise calories back? I am nowhere near a healthy weight, so things may differ once I get there, but I have found for now that upping the calories has helped me lose weight faster.
  • sweetdee88
    also remember that its not necessarily just about how many calories you're eating, but the kinds of food you're eating. like if you're calorie goals are 1500/day, and you eat 1500 calories worth of chocolate (yum! lol), you may have not gone over your goal, but obviously you won't lose weight eating like that every day. Not assuming that you're eating like that, ha ha, but know what i mean? i would suggest researching weight-loss foods. eating protein-rich foods, whole grains, etc. can actually help you burn more fat, and they help you stay feeling fuller, longer! good luck girl :)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I'm having a wave of helplessness. I feel like every day is a struggle with weight loss. I eat my goal calories 5+ days a week and do sometimes overeat on my dinner nights with friends, which means I mostly maintain my weight. I just feel like if I ever want to get to my goal or if I want to maintain my goal weight, I'm going to be eating celery for the rest of my life (because just 1 day over 1200 calories maintains me) and counting calories until death. I feel like it isn't POSSIBLE to get under 130 lbs....like it isn't natural or sustainable to be under 130, but the problem is I still feel so fat at 130 lbs. My clothes don't fit right, I look nasty in a bathing suit, I have cellulite, I have an unproportionate stomach to the rest of my body (always been my problem area)....I just want a manual with all the answers. I'm really feeling hopeless.

    Just needed to whine-:grumble:


    By looking at your food logs I'd guess you're not eating enough. What are you doing for exercise? Are you doing any resistance training? How do your before and recent measurement compare? And for Gods sake, throw that scale away.
  • carorobe
    Cynthia, I am way older than you are but about the same height. Even as a very young woman, it was a struggle for me to get below 125-130. I felt exactly the way you describe. I wonder if some of us are just not ever going to be willowy and really slender. However, when I was 40-ish, i discovered weight training. I still didn't get down to 115 or so (which would be acceptable for our height) but my body really looked better. It still wasn't those long, lean muscles that some have, but it was tight and tiny! In fact I was forty before I could wear a bikini and look decent.

    You might consider weight training and, of course, lots of fiber and protein.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Cynthia, I am way older than you are but about the same height. Even as a very young woman, it was a struggle for me to get below 125-130. I felt exactly the way you describe. I wonder if some of us are just not ever going to be willowy and really slender. However, when I was 40-ish, i discovered weight training. I still didn't get down to 115 or so (which would be acceptable for our height) but my body really looked better. It still wasn't those long, lean muscles that some have, but it was tight and tiny! In fact I was forty before I could wear a bikini and look decent.

    You might consider weight training and, of course, lots of fiber and protein.

    I have been small and very muscular and didn't weigh what I should for the average girl my size a couple of times in my life. In high school living on a farm (very heavy exercise) I was tiny but wore size 9 pants. At 35 I did it again and was actually a size 4-6 but was not a healthy weight then. I'm not built like an elf just because i'm short! I' don't have a itty bitty waist, even when i'm skinny. She's right, though. I thought i'd be bigger with muscles, and I was actually tight and toned instead. Heavier than my average height on a chart, but looking good. Not long and lean for sure! Cute and small. This time I'm going for 130, but 125 will be a outside goal i'll decide once I'm 130.

    Eat healthy, feel good, exercise. Try and be happy with what that turns you into.
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    We all have days like this....I've even had weeks, hell, years really LOL! I think your body just needs a radical change. Are you exercising at all? If you exercise you will need to eat more and you will have all those benefits that go along with fitness.....like endorphins. I say this because I often can feel like you do when I don't work-out or when I have hit a plateau. Now exercise is my drug, it gives me a natural high as well as confidence and self-esteem. Tracking calories and stepping on the scale all the time is not always a good thing. It can make me crazy! I only weigh myself once a week. I don't really care about the number as much as how my clothes fit.

    I would start with some strength training three days a week and cardio at least five (like walking). Add some good fats to your diet and watch your sodium and sugar #s. Keep mixing it up to confuse your body so it never gets used to your menu or exercise routine and I bet you will see some great changes!

    Good luck,