Stupid Stupid Stupid

Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
I just went over my alotted calories by 860 thanks to my extreme lunch. Instead of a salad or even just a little sandwhich, I decide that it is wise to eat a Tamale Platter. With two Sopapillas. What the heck was I thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?


If I can't get my act together, this time is going to be like every other freaking time I've attempted to lose weight: I get fired up and super psyched for about two weeks and then i start self-sabotaging.

How do you guys do it? How do you beat that little monster within that makes you reach for the chocolate cake instead of the apple?

:grumble: :grumble: Now I get to have a tinie tiny dinner and walk my butt off after work instead of getting to kick up my feet and watch Family Guy. :noway:


  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I just went over my alotted calories by 860 thanks to my extreme lunch. Instead of a salad or even just a little sandwhich, I decide that it is wise to eat a Tamale Platter. With two Sopapillas. What the heck was I thinking?!?!?!?!?!?!?


    If I can't get my act together, this time is going to be like every other freaking time I've attempted to lose weight: I get fired up and super psyched for about two weeks and then i start self-sabotaging.

    How do you guys do it? How do you beat that little monster within that makes you reach for the chocolate cake instead of the apple?

    :grumble: :grumble: Now I get to have a tinie tiny dinner and walk my butt off after work instead of getting to kick up my feet and watch Family Guy. :noway:
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Awww, kick your feet up and watch family guy. It's just one day, pass it off as a cheat, do a good workout and back to healthy eating in the morning!!:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    You just keep going.

    Just keep trying again.

    Every meal is a new beginning (heck, sometimes every single bite).

    Portion control starts to get easier, you start to "buy" your treats by offsetting with other choices in your day (longer workout, lighter breakfast, more activity in your day).

    The "all or nothing" or "perfectionist" route is what sabotages many healthier life changes. Don't let it.

    Just. keep. going. :flowerforyou:

    The "little monster" is a liar, trying to feed things with food that will never get full.
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    I did that yesterday, but today was a new day. Just remember that, you can start over this second. Don't let it ruin all of your hard work. Pick yourself up and try your best not to do it again.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    You are already on the right track, you are making plans for the evening to help your day and not make it worse. Everyone has those slip ups, just don't let them throw you completely off track. Tomorrow is a new day. Next time you want to reach for the chocoloate cake remember how you feel right now. When I get a craving for something I shouldn't eat I think of my regret or envision myself running on the treadmill. It quickly goes away!
    Chin up buttercup, you've got this!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Awww, kick your feet up and watch family guy. It's just one day, pass it off as a cheat, do a good workout and back to healthy eating in the morning!!:flowerforyou:

    I guess why I'm so torked off is because I do this every day. I do so well for breakfast and for lunch (usually) and I'll be ok at dinner and then I turn into a munchie monster. I know it's all metal. But it drags me down. I'll workout tonight with my husband and try again tomorrow. :smile: I'll still get my Family Guy. I'm addicted!!!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    You are already on the right track, you are making plans for the evening to help your day and not make it worse. Everyone has those slip ups, just don't let them throw you completely off track. Tomorrow is a new day. Next time you want to reach for the chocoloate cake remember how you feel right now. When I get a craving for something I shouldn't eat I think of my regret or envision myself running on the treadmill. It quickly goes away!
    Chin up buttercup, you've got this!

    :blushing: This is silly, but that actually made me well up a little :blushing:

    You all are such a special group of people. Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • michelleclark
    :flowerforyou: don't beat yourself up! we all have our weak moments. You would'nt be human if you did'nt make a mistake every now and then. :tongue: :tongue: Just get back on track in the morning, and forget about yesterday.

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  • tamrajd
    tamrajd Posts: 86
    believe me everyone struggles, at least I sure hope so, because I do. Just keep starting over. the sun will always come up on a new day. You can do this!! My husband has been right there with me the whole time he has wavered from time to time but I must say he has done very well, but for fathers day he has begged for a special cake thathe loves. We have a big family dinner and everyone comes here, so I'm gonna make the dumb thing but i've decided i'm gonna freeze half of it right off the bat. There wil be enough for those who want some to have a piece and then it's history until the next special occasion. Holidays are hard anyway, but we can do it. Hang in there!:smile:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Awww, kick your feet up and watch family guy. It's just one day, pass it off as a cheat, do a good workout and back to healthy eating in the morning!!:flowerforyou:

    Kick up your feet and watch Family Guy......LOL ....That is something that my husband would say!
  • ty_bradley01
    ty_bradley01 Posts: 321
    Everyone has tough days! Don't let it get you down. :bigsmile: You can do it!

  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ooh. I love sopapillas! Yum!

    Find healthy food that you like! You need to feel like you are not punishing yourself by eating right! (I love the baked snapea crisps and apples with peanut butter!)

    Also - be sure to allow yourself for junk food otherwise the cravings are going to well up and you are going to binge on it big time and in an unhealthy way. I usually eat a little piece of chocolate or something every day and actual junk food (milkshake, dessert etc) once a week?

    One of the things that i have had to work on is paying attention to if I am hungy (vs thirsty or bored...) and also not eating all of something just becuase it is in front of me - same for restaurants. I always get a doggy bag now and skip the fries for veggies and eat 5-6 of my husband's fries (kills the fry craving but you dont eat a whole order.)

    Also - walking is a great exercise, but if you feel that you will not have your calorie intake under controll soon (it is a HUGE deal to kick back from 3,000 - 4,000 calories a day (or more!) to a measly 1,200 + exercise and may take a while to adjust to and fall into the habit of) what about upping it to jogging or something that burns more calories in the same time so you can be a LITTLE more lenient on your food (ie, may be able to work in a daily junk food that you can then slowly wean yourself off of a couple days a week... )?
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Awww, kick your feet up and watch family guy. It's just one day, pass it off as a cheat, do a good workout and back to healthy eating in the morning!!:flowerforyou:

    I guess why I'm so torked off is because I do this every day. I do so well for breakfast and for lunch (usually) and I'll be ok at dinner and then I turn into a munchie monster. I know it's all metal. But it drags me down. I'll workout tonight with my husband and try again tomorrow. :smile: I'll still get my Family Guy. I'm addicted!!!
    I do it to!!! Tomorrow always seems to be a new day. Last week I finally lost three pounds, this week it's back on, but I refuse to let this be the focus of my life anymore! I had a few handfuls of reese pieces today, so yeah starting over tomorrow.....again lol!!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I have those problems too, but I found that if I am prepared... have a salad made in the fridge, some yummy light yogurt or pudding or Jello,, popcorn.... I don't feel deprived. I like Wraps , they are portable, easy to make and you can do lots of stuff with them. When I go to party or some celebration I make sure I eat during the day... if I'm starving I'll eat whatever I see...... (8 cookies yesterday... I had the calories for them, but the sugar high kept me up till 130 AM) . I have always eaten healthy, I cook a lot and even bake my own bread, MFP has made me aware of portion sizes and how much junk is in some food ( I never knew mac and cheese was 400 cal a cup:noway: ) Biut like everyone else I still slip up, Tomorrow is a new day. You could also look at the hungry girl web site, they have restaurant food slimmed down. I wish you success:drinker:
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Awww, kick your feet up and watch family guy. It's just one day, pass it off as a cheat, do a good workout and back to healthy eating in the morning!!:flowerforyou:

    Kick up your feet and watch Family Guy......LOL ....That is something that my husband would say!
    Oh no. I'm in a houseful of boys...don't tell me I'm turning into one lol!!