No signs of weight loss yet? Not even a pound? Is that okay?

mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
No signs of weight loss yet? Not even a pound? Is that okay?


  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    How long have you been at it? It takes me at least a week to lose a solid pound.
  • How long have you been exercising and eating right?
  • Bluesmilie
    Bluesmilie Posts: 161 Member
    I haven't lost anything in a week but when I checked my measurements, I lost 2 inches :) So I'm happy. Have you tried mesuring your neck, chest, hips, waist, calf, arm? Jot it down and check it in a a few weeks to see your progress.

    Add me if you want :)
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    It took me 2 weeks to see any loss. Let your body adjust to the new regimen and don't give up!
  • Some people have dramatic weight loss at first because of water weight they were holding. Maybe you just don't have a lot of water weight? Or maybe you haven't committed as much as you should to a healthy diet and exercise plan? Or maybe you're like me and it just takes time :)
  • I lost after only a couple of days. I was a huge soda drinker (3-4 times a day) and taking that out of my diet quickly removed about 1000 calories a day for me so I lost pretty quickly. Good Luck to you!
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Well. I started a week b4 I joined this site online. I think it's been 3 weeks. Or this is my third week.

    Week 1 I went 2 x's
    Week 2 I went 3 x's
    and so far this week I have gone each day.

    One hour a day each time I go.

    Maybe it is too soon. :) I am able to hold more resistance though.... so that's a good sign... but I've had the same steady weight, no gain no loss.
  • not sure my self I excercise my butt off. We're talking anywhere from 700-800 calories a day 5xs a week. I'm always under my calorie amount and I lost 4 pounds intially and now I have not lost anything in a week. I'm going to take the measurement advice myself. Good luck.
  • Are you eating back your calories burned during exercise?

    are you eating foods high in sodium? (may cause you to retain more fluids, sodium can be tracked in your diary)

    Drinking enough water?

    Sometimes not eating enough can make our bodies hold onto fat for fear of the dreaded 'starvation mode'.

    It's hard to say not being able to see your diary, but it could also be the type of food you're eating.
  • You also have to remember that muscle weights more than fat. I have a tendancy to lose weight a lot one week then the next I'll lose only 1/2 a pound. But the next I'll pull a big number. It is frustrating but the reward is awesome
  • Well, I have been struggling also, but my weight has been like a yoyo. 2 days ago I was 157.5 and today I was 162. I think that you just cant give up and beyond the weight loss, need to think that it is truly about being a better, healthier you and then you wont feel so much pressure to see the loss. Dont get me wrong - I LOVE to see the pounds melt away, but for now, this is how I need to think so I dont give up.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Sometimes muscle weighs more than fat. I would try eliminating all junk food and eat only healthy food. Sometimes people go too low on calories and they don't have enough metabolism to burn the fat they have. If you are one of those people, you might need to up your calories but also up your exercise a bit. Focusing on the health aspect will make you feel better in the long run regardless what happens in two months.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Ye... it took me a few weeks to reverse the metabolism from gaining to losing!
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Hmm. Well I have been keeping track of calories and each day I am under the goal because of the calories that I burned during exercise. I also am drinking a lot of water. I am also taking Women's Ultra Mega Active Vitamin packs (7 pills daily)... I need it because I am always so tired and this helps.

    I also am always hungry. All day long.... when I feel that way I drink water but I my stomach still growls the majority of the day... Is that a sign that I'm doing something wrong? It's weird because even after I eat a meal, after like 30 minutes, my stomach gets that cold hunger feeling.
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Hmm. Well I have been keeping track of calories and each day I am under the goal because of the calories that I burned during exercise. I also am drinking a lot of water. I am also taking Women's Ultra Mega Active Vitamin packs (7 pills daily)... I need it because I am always so tired and this helps.

    I also am always hungry. All day long.... when I feel that way I drink water but I my stomach still growls the majority of the day... Is that a sign that I'm doing something wrong? It's weird because even after I eat a meal, after like 30 minutes, my stomach gets that cold hunger feeling.
  • Hmm. Well I have been keeping track of calories and each day I am under the goal because of the calories that I burned during exercise. I also am drinking a lot of water. I am also taking Women's Ultra Mega Active Vitamin packs (7 pills daily)... I need it because I am always so tired and this helps.

    I also am always hungry. All day long.... when I feel that way I drink water but I my stomach still growls the majority of the day... Is that a sign that I'm doing something wrong? It's weird because even after I eat a meal, after like 30 minutes, my stomach gets that cold hunger feeling.

    I'm not sure if you're eating enough. It's advisable to eat back your exercise calories, or most of them.... please see below.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Yep, don't forget to eat back your exercise calories.
  • swim2china
    swim2china Posts: 4 Member
    Your body is probably getting rid of toxins as well, which could account for not losing anything yet your body is trying to re-adjust. I would take your measurments this will really see if you need to change something or if the weight just hasn't caught up yet. How many calories are you eating a day? I agree that you need to eat some of your Calories burned back from Exercise but you don't want to eat all of them that would just defeat the purpose of the exercise. If I were you I would be eating 2,000 a day at least for another month, if you are still not seeing any progress I would consult with a dieticition
  • mlrosa123
    mlrosa123 Posts: 64 Member
    Okay. I will keep at it, of course - I have also measured my thighs, arms, waist, hips and neck. Yuck.... HAHA I'm pretty disappointed in myself for letting the love of chocolate do this to my body! YIKES!
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