How do you avoid binging???

How does everyone keep from binging??? My self-will is horrible all those fatty foods sound wonderful right now!!!! HELP!! I don't wanna mess this up I've been doing really well lately!!! Thanks!!


  • lmanzi219
    lmanzi219 Posts: 32 Member
    I try to buy lots of new fun flavored gum and new drinks to try, without calories of course. The vitamin zero waters are delicious and I just started drinking the diet cranberry juice and diet grape/cranberry. Although I know what you mean, once you get a particular food on your mind sometimes it takes over you mind until you eat it. I try to plan out my meals ahead of time but sometimes that doesn't work! SO, don't get discouraged, I found out that even though you cheat and the scale hates you the next day, as long as you get right back to eating and exercising right it goes back down within 2 days or so. Good Luck!
  • starlitesue
    One good way to avoid binging is to just not have the food you want in the house. Every once in a while I'll get a craving for something (sweet, salty, whatever it happens to be), but all the food in my house is healthy food, and most requires preparation. So that way I'm never tempted to cheat.

    Also I make sure I eat every 3 hours or so, that way I never get so hungry that I can't control myself.
  • nubreeze33
    One good way to avoid binging is to just not have the food you want in the house. Every once in a while I'll get a craving for something (sweet, salty, whatever it happens to be), but all the food in my house is healthy food, and most requires preparation. So that way I'm never tempted to cheat.

    Also I make sure I eat every 3 hours or so, that way I never get so hungry that I can't control myself.

    I could not have said it any better!!!
  • toxicbox
    One good way to avoid binging is to just not have the food you want in the house. Every once in a while I'll get a craving for something (sweet, salty, whatever it happens to be), but all the food in my house is healthy food, and most requires preparation. So that way I'm never tempted to cheat.

    Also I make sure I eat every 3 hours or so, that way I never get so hungry that I can't control myself.
    I dont have anything in the house that I want...I want fat kid food, like burger king, panda express, etc. And my craving can get strong enough for me to drive all the way there just to get it...
  • theidarisafa
    break it down into 100-200 calorie portions and enjoy it as part of what you eat each day.

    Then you're using it for fuel instead of for binging.

    If you really like cookies, figure out how many it takes to make 100-200 calories. Put that in a bag. When it's your snack time enjoy that and do NOT go back to the cupboard.

    Having it already portioned out makes a big difference.

    I've still got some junk food at home that I'm slowly working my way through. I really like a certain type of cookie. So I just portioned them up.

    The food can NOT have power over you when you have power over the food.

    Fitness and health is a journey, not a destination. If you really prevent youself from not having any of the foods that you enjoy, you're going to binge.

    You are probably going to live a LONG time. So enjoy life and enjoy food. But become educated about how many calories your favorite foods have and work those into your diet in smaller portions.

    I personally love sugar soda. I even told my trainer that I"m not giving it up.

    So I have 1 can a day with my dinner.

    If I didn't, I'd think about nothing but soda and then sit there and drink 6-7 cans in one sitting.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Extra Sugar Free gum makes a gum called Dessert Delights. It is WONDERFUL, just don't eat the whole pack at one time. K?
    Exercise helps to. Walking is great exercise & it keeps you away from the pantry or fridge. Put on some headphones, crank the tunes & hit the road!!!
    Snacking on vegtables is a good way to avoid binging. take some cut up vegtables with you when you walk.
    Another way is just to fill up on water. Yes that means more trips to the bathroom, but I think it's worth it. Crystal Lite makes some good flavor packets that you can add to your water which I think are only 5 calories.
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    these are all great advice!! i was just going to post a similar question today, because i notice that i'll do sooo good throughout the day, and then lose it at the end of the day. partly because my stomach is growling. but i will try out some of these suggestions, for sure.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Ultimately, all the tips in the world aren't going to help if you don't have sheer willpower and determination. Yes, making sure you eat regularly so you aren't hungry, chewing gum in between meals, drinking lots of water all day, etc. will help with hunger issues. But the only thing that is going to truly stop you from binging and eating foods that will blow out your calories for the day is your own mental strength on how badly you want to succeed at what you are doing.

    Anytime you want to reach for that fatty food item or sweet, just take a moment, take a deep breath and remember why you joined MFP, think about your goal, think about how you're going to feel after you do that binge and you see those calories in your log, compare it to the feeling when you see the scale show less weight or your tape measure wrap tighter around your waist. Take another deep breath and walk away.

    Like today, I sat in a the breakroom at lunch as all of my coworkers helped themselves to the catered BBQ lunch. Chicken slathered in sauce, huge pieces of garlic bread, heaping piles of pasta doused in sauce, salad drowning in dressing and cookies larger than my hand. And I walked right by it, went to the fridge, got my lunch, heated it up, sat there and ate and went back to my desk. A few people asked me why I wasn't having any BBQ, my answer was simple, I didn't want it. And it was true. I want to lose these last 10 pounds more than I could ever want any plate of food and that's what it ultimately comes down to.

    Good luck on your journey and look for your inner strength, I'd bet that you're a lot stronger than you think you are. :)
  • Valorin
    World of Warcraft sadly. If I'm busy playing it or doing something else, then I'm not thinking about eating. Sure, there are times when I really want to eat, but I have a cut off time from when I should not eat during the day and that helps me keep from binging. Man, when I binge, it's bad, but I have to keep remembering to keep that away from my mind.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Here is the thing: Don't live in denial. Don't pretend you aren't constantly thinking about some particular food item and think it won't come prey on you in a weak moment. If your new way of eating is focused around a list of things you aren't allowed to eat, there will definitely be times where your mind fixates on them. I find it helpful to have an attitude of striving for the best foods I possibly can, not avoiding the worst foods I can.

    So if I occasionally get a true craving for something (True craving = Lasts at least a day) then I plan a way to eat that in a reasonable way. Instead of bottling up a craving for chocolate cake until I binge and eat the whole thing, I plan to make a small batch of chocolate cupcakes and only eat one, give the other few to coworkers or friends.

    That way I am not ruining anything by eating enjoyable foods and I am staying in control of what, when and how much I eat. This is the most success I have had on a diet, and I think it is because of the new attitude I adopted.
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    I would be looking at the reason why you have no self control. In other words what is driving this uncontrollable urge to binge eat. Do you lose control with anything else in your life? Why food why arent you craving a bath or a gym class or sleep? If it is driven by emotion then you need to work out how you can nurture/soothe the emotional deficit that doesnt include food. If its because your bored then find something to do that involves using your hands like knitting crotcheting or even playing a computer game. Just dont sit idle in front of the telly. If this doesnt work then bargain a deal with yourself you can have a burger but you have to walk to the burger place and back or do a workout BEFORE you have your treat. I find denying myself and it just isnt food will make me irrationally crave what Ive told myself I cant have. SO use postponement instead. Dont say no you cant have the burger say ok you can have it after you sweep and mop the floor. When you have done that task you find another task that you have to do before you have the burger say 40 situps. It keeps going like this most times the craving will wear off and if its still strong and not easing then I will try to find the healthiest alternative available to alleviate the craving and just have something. In a way I treat the craving as an annoying little kid that Im looking after. All the above suggestions are really helpful also Good Luck I wish you every success!
  • DolphinJewel
    I think staying active, eating regularly and allowing yourself to have a small bit of what you want helps prevent a total binge. For instance, if you have to have chocolate, just allow yourself to have a Hershey's kiss or a square of chocolate and not the whole bar...a pre packaged amount is always better. Also, writing about your feelings in a journal, calling a friend and just distracting yourself. Brushing your teeth helps because, after that, you usually don't want to eat as much. It's tough though...I'm having a hell of a time ever sticking to my allotted calories...but, at least I have lost a couple of pounds!
  • ejschantz85
    Let's see, don't buy ANY junk food if possible. Drink plenty of water (8 cups a day) and eating nutritional filling foods. Anything high in fiber or protein is good. They tend to be heavier on your stomach.

    Make good choices! Your not gonna be able to do it cold turkey, but start by cutting out certain things one by one and replacing them with something healthier like fruits or veggies. Eventually you will be able to weed out all the junk and feel fuller quicker = )
  • wannalose25
    wannalose25 Posts: 69 Member
    break it down into 100-200 calorie portions and enjoy it as part of what you eat each day.

    Then you're using it for fuel instead of for binging.

    If you really like cookies, figure out how many it takes to make 100-200 calories. Put that in a bag. When it's your snack time enjoy that and do NOT go back to the cupboard.

    Having it already portioned out makes a big difference.

    I've still got some junk food at home that I'm slowly working my way through. I really like a certain type of cookie. So I just portioned them up.

    The food can NOT have power over you when you have power over the food.

    Fitness and health is a journey, not a destination. If you really prevent youself from not having any of the foods that you enjoy, you're going to binge.

    You are probably going to live a LONG time. So enjoy life and enjoy food. But become educated about how many calories your favorite foods have and work those into your diet in smaller portions.

    I personally love sugar soda. I even told my trainer that I"m not giving it up.

    So I have 1 can a day with my dinner.

    If I didn't, I'd think about nothing but soda and then sit there and drink 6-7 cans in one sitting.
  • wannalose25
    wannalose25 Posts: 69 Member
    this is good advice, i couldn't agree more. very good idea
  • snowflakechelsea
    my biggest problem is going out for a nice lunch or dinner and figuring out the nutritional value. i feel like immessin upmy journal
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I used to control my binging by binging but within my calories that was until I realised my whole snack category was full of junk now I have set my food plan out into 3 meals and 3 snacks and only one of those snacks is allowed to be junk that way I can control my junk cravings and still enjoy them at the same time
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    I drink tea. when I want sweets and I want food, tea helps a lot.
    by the way, I love your picture! I have slippers of the Killer Rabbit haha :]
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I find grazing on healthy snacks throughout the day helps.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    put it in your journal before you buy it. You'll see it's going to kill your calorie budget.