Just a miserable whinge really...

itsmylife28 Posts: 19
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
This is my first day, and I am feeling a bit down.. I look at everyone else's acheivements and I feel like I wont be able to lose weight. Yeah doubt.. its the worst feeling. So if I stay under my goal calorie number and exercise atleast 3 times a week for an hour, do you think I will lose weight? Ive been doing all the right things today. I am craving really badly for roast chicken from red rooster (my usual lunch- yep I am usually one of those pathetic people that sits at red rooster for her hour lunch, watching the world go by and wishing herself thin).
The main reason I got myself 7 kilo's heavier is I lost a baby, thats when it all came down hill... I hate using that as an excuse though. Makes me feel so.... blah.

I am 21 years old. The night I cried myself to sleep because a bunch of teens (ages around 17) were staring at me while I was walking in town. I gave them a "what are you looking at" stare back and kept walking. Later on that day I saw them again, they walked past me and laughed to themselves while one of them said "look at me I have cellulite and thunder thighs", and realised it was directed at me.
Sounds like nothing but you only realise its not when it happens to you. I hate going into town now, anywhere out of my house really... But I felt like saying "Girls, when you get older your bodies wont stay the same as now, I used to be like you."
But *****ier. What is the world coming to. What brats.

I just feel like I want to get this weight off as soon as possible. I feel like it wont happen to me, like Im not good enough.. or something. I just feel like it wont happen....
Can you tell me what you do in form of exercise and eating? So I can get an idea.. please.


  • Hey girl
    I'm new to this site and just read your whinge. How are you going? It's been a couple of months and I was just curious to see how you were faring.
    Hope you are doing good and have been kicking butt in the weight loss dept.
  • Joined ages ago but only just started, and only just wrote that today! lol
    Welcome to MFP. How long have since you started?
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Just stick with it. Even if it takes a few weeks to start going to the gym the food tracker here helps a lot. I'm finding healthier things I enjoy eating that I never would have thought of. The strangest thing is When its healthier I can actually eat more and meet my calorie goals. I'd recommend protein shakes as well. The protein is filling and slow to digest so it should cut your cravings. I think my food journal is public if you want to take a peek.

    We're all in this together. Here we don't come down on each other if we have a bad week, but pick each other up and continue on.
  • I just stared about a week ago, and I have to say that as long as you stay under your calorie goal and make sure you log everything, then you will be fine. You don't have to exercise unless you want to tighten up your skin as you lose weight or want extra calories added to your calorie count (which is my favorite part honestly.) What I do for exercise is I play Dance Central on the Xbox Kinect for an hour every night. It has a workout mode attached to it where it counts calories and what I do, is play for an hour and type in an hour on here under dancing general in the exercise section, and an hour of Dancing is like... 600 some odd calories. Trust me, when I play it, (I'm on the hard difficulty,) I sweat bullets. Another thing I do is I do some sit ups and push ups every other day as part of the strength training thing to mix it up a bit.

    I haven't lost much weight yet, but I've been drinking a lot of water, and I don't eat after 9 o'clock and I go to bed a little on the hungry side. Don't give up, it's a journey and it doesn't come off fast, but when it does you feel good about yourself!
  • Can you afford to join a gym? Im a member of curves,its women only and everyone is supportive and friendly, you take it at your own pace with the Curves ladies helping you and giving food advice all the way.Its a great way to meet new friends with the same goals!! Its only $60 a month or $15 a week so if you go 3 times a week its pretty cheap-I highly recommend it.Good luck ,it does get easier ,just take small steps!
  • Stay with it. Keep counting calories, stay active, and find healthy foods you enjoy. If you can live a healthier lifestyle, the weight will come off and stay off.
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    Remember the #1 rule in weight loss: It took time to put it on, it will take time to take it off.
    Remember rule regarding this site: When trying to guess calories (let's say you ate out) always pick the option with the most calories. When guessing exercise, always pick the least amount of calories burned. This way any errors in your calculation will benefit you losing weight.
    Most important rule of weight loss: DO IT FOR YOURSELF. WHo cares what other people say. People come and go, especially rowdy teenagers. Lose weight because you want to feel good. Exercise because you want to feel goo and be healthy. Do this for you, because you deserve it. Do it because it will make you stronger, physically, mentally and emotionally! Just do it! :-)
  • don't despair! I understand the pain you are feeling, truly....Comments especially hurt whether they know you or not! Remember, you are doing it for yourself. Take one day at a time....it does get easier! I couldn't afford a gym, still can't...plus I hate crowds! So I borrowed some exercise DVDs from the library and started. Then I started walking, usually pm or early am so that I wasn't too self conscious. Consider walking a dog, even if you have to borrow or foster one for walking. People assume you are walking a dog, not exercising and they seem to leave you alone on that aspect. Walking also helps when you are feeling down or angry (I found). Believe it or not, your confidence starts to grow as you start to see what you are truly capable of. Start to tell yourself you are doing this for your health; to gain strength - the weight loss will follow. Look at alternative food choices/swaps such as a Subways chicken sandwich rather than Red Rooster. Each positive decision you make, makes you stronger, both in body, mind and soul. If you have a 'bad' day. Don't quit! Just start again. Everybody makes mistakes...just choose to continue on your more loving, healthy path. Life will surprise you! :flowerforyou:
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Joined ages ago but only just started, and only just wrote that today! lol
    Welcome to MFP. How long have since you started?

    sorry - just saw this now. Like you I also joined aaaages ago and have only just signed back in again. This time round I've made an effort to make friends as well as join challenges to help me along on my journey. It was actually a mate who I'd introduced to the site that got me to log back in. How's it going since you've been back?
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