Complete Lifestyle Change

Hello, my name is T.J., I just turned 35...I have been steadily gaining weight for the last 4 years. I have a few situations that I can/do blame for the gain, 1) I quit smoking June 2006, 2) my husband at 52 had quadruple bypass in April 2007, that December, a day after our wedding, he had carotid artery surgery...3) the summer of 2008, I was diagnose diabetic 4) 2009 my husband had a knee replacement surgery...I somewhere in these last 4 years just stopped caring about ME! One BIG problem IS my husband...with all of his health problems (he is diabetic, as well) he just doesn't seem to care about what he eats, he doesn't exercise, I have somehow conditioned myself to eat the same way he does. I don't exercise, I haven't taken my medication for a year now...although my sugar was "borderline", it has now spiked in the 200's. His lack of interest in changing affects me...does it mean that I don't love him, because I will be leaving him behind (health & exercise wise) or does it mean that he doesn't love me for not showing me support for what I want for my life. He enables me and I enable him, but how do you stop? It's really hard to know that we are, for lack of a better expression, killing each other with our addiction to food. We watch The Biggest Loser, I Used to Be Fat, Heavy and my heart breaks (silently) because these people are strong enough to face their fears and I'm not. No more excuses, no more failure, I am ready for my Complete Lifestyle CHANGE, and I hope through this journey, I will be able to bring my husband along with me.


  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Go for it woman, well done for making this decision! Set yourself small goals at the time.
    And you never know, you might just inspire your husband as well.

    Best of luck!