Hi new member

Hi there, I am from Wellington, New Zealand and I just wanted to say hi ! SO far this site has been very helpful with me keeping an eye on things. I just started going to the gym and am enjoying it !


  • benjiv
    hi to you, I have just had surgery on my foot and decided its an excellent time to join while i am on enforced rest, need to look after me and my foot, am looking forward to being able to exercise again, I have a friend who is doing fantasically well with this program.
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hello and welcome! This site is awesome! :bigsmile:
  • IzzyBooNZ
    IzzyBooNZ Posts: 5 Member
    thanks, yes this site is awesome and boy do these posts move fast ! I find this a very useful tool for monitering myself. Take care!