I've been doing MFP for 135 days (since the end of September) and I have lost 10 pounds. But at this point in time (early February) I have lost my motivation. This last week I have become cranky, tired, and discouraged. I'm angry at myself and I just feel like going off the whole program. I KNOW that's not in my best interest and I need some motivation to stay on and keep going. I feel better just having put this out here into the community.


  • Crossfire77
    Crossfire77 Posts: 17 Member
    Don't look at it as ten pounds if that number isn't what you want to see....look at it like you've lost over 27% of your goal!
  • jennigriff
    Before you give up the ship, have you been under your goal and logged EVERYTHING? Even a cup of coffee can put you over your calorie goal. Also, drink your water. It cleanses you. Skipping a meal does not work for me. If I eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner I do better. I will have more energy and not be so starved and prone to eat more. Also, I try not to eat as many calories as my goal offers. I try to keep to 1200 and not over 1500. Also, exercise is important or I would not lose anything at all. I work out 3 times a week and sometimes I add a walk in. If you need a friend for support feel free to add me.
  • traceytoo
    Take a look at your inspirations Deb - not just on here,but in the flesh and remember why you are doing this ... you can do it, once you get there, you will feel absolutely fabulous, you will benefit and so will your kids .. life will be a much better, more colourful place .. stick with it .. :bigsmile:
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    Good for you sometimes you just need to vent. Just keep moving and remember your worth it.. This is not a race its a change day to day movment to health. You're worth it.
  • dawnslaughter
    we all plateau go onto maintenance for a couple of weeks to give your self a rest. you should not put any on in this time but will stand still then feel ready to go for it again ;-)