Bathroom visits. Too much protein?

Ok, so here's personal little vent I suppose. I'm not sure what's up?

I have been peeing A LOT! It's getting to the point that it's a problem. It usually starts after lunch - I drink about 16 oz of water with my lunch. Then the rest of the afternoon I'm peeing almost every 30-60 minutes. It's horrible. And it gets worse if I try and work out.

Last night, I went before I left work, got to the gym (10 mins), went before I worked out .... 15 minutes into my work out I was literally almost RUNNING to the bathroom again.

This is not like me. I've never been known to do this. Of course several thoughts are running through my head, but someone had pointed out that it could be too much protein? Nothing much has changed with in any of my routines except I've been doing more of a low-carb, high protein diet with in the last few weeks. It's working! But now I have my concerns. Can anyone relate?


  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    I can sooo relate!! I wake up at least 3 times during the night to pee....forget about the daytime! The toilet seat knows my name :)
  • EvetteE
    EvetteE Posts: 3 Member
    Balance in key to everything in life.
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Yeah, I can certainly relate but mine is because I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis. I was going at one point 30 times during my waking hours and at least twice a night. If the urgency continues but you have no pain it could be a frequency issue that is easily treated. I try to avoid drinking anything for an hour before whenever i know it won't be convenient to go to the ladies; ie when i am flying, long road trip, etc. If you have any type of pain associated though I would consult a urologist.
  • helenamonks
    I started going a lot too after lunch, I'm taking in 100ish protein and 130ish carbs. Honestly I never used to drink hardly any water and now I drink a TON compared to what I used to drink. Mostly its almost all clear which they say its supposed to be unless you're a. holding it too long or b. drinking too little. Just my thoughts, nothing researched though.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    when you say low carb high protein....what are the amounts?

    When you do use the restroom is there a large quantity?

    Usually when one first starts drinking a lot of water, say at the beginning of a "diet", yes, this is a problem, but usually the body adjusts, and we also all get used to it.

    I am wondering if you may have a bladder infection?
  • PediNurse67
    PediNurse67 Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah, I can certainly relate but mine is because I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis. I was going at one point 30 times during my waking hours and at least twice a night. If the urgency continues but you have no pain it could be a frequency issue that is easily treated. I try to avoid drinking anything for an hour before whenever i know it won't be convenient to go to the ladies; ie when i am flying, long road trip, etc. If you have any type of pain associated though I would consult a urologist.

    BTW I too have IC. Do you take Elmiron? It really makes a world of a difference for me.
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Yup, Elmiron twice a day, every day, and thank goodness for it...:happy: I can eat a nearly normal diet and only have to avoid a few things.
  • Ashia1317
    Nothing in my water intake has changed. It does not hurt, burn, or discomfort other than interrupting my day. It does not wake me up at night. And it's clear :wink: I did have a UTI a few months ago that doctors were shocked I had because I had no symptoms other than peeing a lot. I'm just worried that maybe it's that again too ... How do I prevent that? (---I heard it can be caused by sex???)

    As for high protein, low carb - I'm talking about lean meats, some fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, fruit, veggies. Minimal processed, starched, and white-flour stuff. I do a modified South Beach.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    If you are having plenty of veggies, especially leafy green ones & you are not eating lots of hidden sodium in processed foods it is quite likely that you are simply shedding excess water. Its unlikely that your proteins are too high if you are having some carbs from veggies & hopefully fruit and not adding protein powder drinks.
  • Ashia1317
    Uh oh. I do have a protein shake as a meal replacement once in awhile. Not daily though
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Nothing in my water intake has changed. It does not hurt, burn, or discomfort other than interrupting my day. It does not wake me up at night. And it's clear :wink: I did have a UTI a few months ago that doctors were shocked I had because I had no symptoms other than peeing a lot. I'm just worried that maybe it's that again too ... How do I prevent that? (---I heard it can be caused by sex???)

    As for high protein, low carb - I'm talking about lean meats, some fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, fruit, veggies. Minimal processed, starched, and white-flour stuff. I do a modified South Beach.

    Atkins and South Beach are NOT high protein plans. They are moderate proteins focused on getting carbs from vegetable sources first and then from fruit.

    My best bet is that your body is detoxing and is shedding water weight.
  • Ashia1317
    Nothing in my water intake has changed. It does not hurt, burn, or discomfort other than interrupting my day. It does not wake me up at night. And it's clear :wink: I did have a UTI a few months ago that doctors were shocked I had because I had no symptoms other than peeing a lot. I'm just worried that maybe it's that again too ... How do I prevent that? (---I heard it can be caused by sex???)

    As for high protein, low carb - I'm talking about lean meats, some fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts, fruit, veggies. Minimal processed, starched, and white-flour stuff. I do a modified South Beach.

    Atkins and South Beach are NOT high protein plans. They are moderate proteins focused on getting carbs from vegetable sources first and then from fruit.

    My best bet is that your body is detoxing and is shedding water weight.

    This could be a possibility. For over a year I was constantly bloated, gassy, swollen, and retaining water like crazy - and I drank SO MUCH water to try and relieve all that with no luck. I thought it was the birth control, but I think it was things I was eating too. I've definitely been feeling a difference since I modified my carbs. But again, if anyone has read my profile, there's a history of diabetes in my family as well. Last physical I had a few months back, they did all the testing and said I was normal. They couldn't find out why I was swollen, bloated, gassy, etc. Blood tests, ultrasounds, etc couldn't detect anything either. They put me on a water pill - and that's what I feel like is going on - but I haven't taken them in over 2 months now. (I'm only on birth control now)

    I've done South Beach before and don't remember these problems, but at that time I wasn't as heavy as I am now. And in the last few weeks, I'm no longer swollen unless extremely overheated. I'm no longer bloated and gassy. I no longer feel huge after meals. And my energy levels are up. I'm just PEEING a lot. :wink:
  • dmg4thee
    dmg4thee Posts: 1 Member

    I started going a lot too after lunch, I'm taking in 100ish protein and 130ish carbs. Honestly I never used to drink hardly any water and now I drink a TON compared to what I used to drink. Mostly its almost all clear which they say its supposed to be unless you're a. holding it too long or b. drinking too little. Just my thoughts, nothing researched though.

    If you are taking in 100g protein at a time your kidneys will just flush it. The average female body can only use about 20g at a time and there rest goes down the toilet and stresses your kidneys.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2017
    This thread is from 6 years ago, I really hope OP figured it out.

    (Pretty sure she meant 100 g total and that's not actually accurate anyway about your body wasting anything over 20 g at a time and it stressing the kidneys, but I'm more curious how you happened up this particular thread.)
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    The Day of the Zombie threads :o
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Well, this used to happen to me... Since I've been using Organic Sea Salt on my food and taking Apple Cider Vinegar before my main meals, I've seen an improvement.

    How on earth can sea salt be organic when it is totally made up of inorganic materials (aka minerals)?
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    edited August 2017
    Not sure if this is true for you, but I always have to pee a lot more frequently right before I get sick, like when my body is fighting a cold.

    Whoops - didn't realize this was a 6 year old thread! :D