Exercising 2 Much???



  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I've found that working out is like a drug now! I don't know why I avoid it for so long.

    If you really need to work out practically every day, do alternating body parts, so work out your upper body on the Monday, Wednesday & Friday and your lower body on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday (or a schedule that works for you). I like cardio every day, but maybe take it a little easier -- like Zumba only a couple times a week and not on a day when you've done a lot of other cardio. I also find that helps me bring my A game!
  • SherryJDI
    Thanks for all of your advice... I do feel I need to take a day off... I know I am going to feel guilty taking a day off but I am going to have to make myself... So today will be my rest day for this week.... Now what to do with myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks again!!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Rest is just as important as working out:


  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I have the same problem. Sometimes i don't take a break..can go weeks and weeks without stopping. If i feel i need a day off i take it..if im feeling well enough, i go on..I do get tired, but sometimes i feel so pumped to workout its like an addiction.
  • barberella
    Yes! Listen to your body. I learned the hard way, and it scared me. I was doing the same thing you were. Exercising at lunch, exercising at home. Ab exercises every day, lifting weights, Wii fitness games, treadmill, bicycle machines, racquetball 5 times a week, etc. THen last Sunday, I woke up, and it hit me. I don't know what it was but my body was physically exhausted! I laid in bed all day with no appetite whatsoever. I was absolutely worthless to the world. And that's not good for being a mom! But my boyfriend said it best, "Listen to your body and take a day off". The next day I was fine, but I seriously felt like I had been body slammed!
  • wonk1968
    seems a lot of exercise especially if you have only been doing it a few weeks, definetaly need rest days to allow the muscles
    to repair & recover. dont feel guily for having a day of your body needs it
  • fasttrack27
    Agree w/ everyone else - slow down. You won't lose any conditioning in 1-2 off days a week. On the contrary, you'll come back at it stronger when you're rested which will be more effective. I understand - it can get addicting - but try to step back and look at the bigger picture. Best wishes!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    No you must rest in between and if it is fifty pounds left to lose you will not see it anytime soon, reason muscle weigh more than fat
  • jcch00
    jcch00 Posts: 57 Member
    Yes, that is too much exercise. You will eventually become resentful and quit altogether. I've been there myself. Just do 1 hour of exercise 3-5x a week. Switch it up daily between cardio and strength-training (yoga/pilates/weights). I work out 1 hour daily Monday through Friday only. I take weekends off.