Johnson's Up Day Down Day Diet

Hi Everyone!
I'm considering trying the Up Day Down Day Diet (UDDD). I have read some success stories on other websites. I was wondering though if any of my MFP pal's were trying it out! If so, how many calories for your up day and how many for your down day? I think I read that on up days it should be around 1,800 calories and on the down day it should be 300-600 calories. I thought that should be a good solution to my stable state right now, change things up!
Let me know if any of you have experience or maybe if any of you have any interest in trying it out with me and we can keep eachother posted on our results!!
Best of luck calorie counters!


  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm considering trying the Up Day Down Day Diet (UDDD). I have read some success stories on other websites. I was wondering though if any of my MFP pal's were trying it out! If so, how many calories for your up day and how many for your down day? I think I read that on up days it should be around 1,800 calories and on the down day it should be 300-600 calories. I thought that should be a good solution to my stable state right now, change things up!
    Let me know if any of you have experience or maybe if any of you have any interest in trying it out with me and we can keep eachother posted on our results!!
    Best of luck calorie counters!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Have you seen the thread about zigzag dieting? This might have some good insights for you. good luck!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm considering trying the Up Day Down Day Diet (UDDD). I have read some success stories on other websites. I was wondering though if any of my MFP pal's were trying it out! If so, how many calories for your up day and how many for your down day? I think I read that on up days it should be around 1,800 calories and on the down day it should be 300-600 calories. I thought that should be a good solution to my stable state right now, change things up!
    Let me know if any of you have experience or maybe if any of you have any interest in trying it out with me and we can keep eachother posted on our results!!
    Best of luck calorie counters!

    I think you should never go below 1200 calories regardless--300-600 calories is simply not enough to keep your body properly nourished.
  • bleachcse
    bleachcse Posts: 148 Member
    WOW 300-600 seems way too low, and impossible! There's no way I could exist on 300-600 a day. I'd fail immediately. Definitely check that out-seems way too low.
  • bayaderka
    bayaderka Posts: 53
    A yo-yo diet plan could result with a yo-yo-ing of weight. From past experience with this diet (starve one day, eat regular the next), I had gained 8 pounds.

    300-600 calories is definitely not enough for one day, however an absolute minimum of 1,000 calories will sustain you and not put one into starvation mode. After speaking extensively with a nutritionist, I discovered that it was not 1,200 kcal but 1,000 kcal that will keep starvation mode at bay.
  • dachinababe
    dachinababe Posts: 185
    i want to start the zig zag diet seems very effective from all the stories i heard...
    good luck girl:smile:
  • Kimlane70
    Kimlane70 Posts: 117
    It's like calorie shifting. I've read a little about it. I've been considering doing it myself. Maybe during the week, Mon-Fri eat 1000 calories a day then on the weekends go up to about 1500. Also I would just increase the calories by still eating healthy foods and not junk. Also someone had wrote about Jillian Michales calorie shifting strategy. Maybe we can find out what that's about. KIM G
  • hlolo22
    I myself and many people in my life have done this diet and converted it into a way of life. This is very effective and actually easy if you have discipline. Make sure to exercise on up days and not binge eat. If you are new to this routine I would suggest you do not start your induction phase at the 390 calorie mark but instead at 500 to 600 calories and then after two weeks, see if your down days can be slightly lower. I have found that by week three, it is hard to get all your up day calories in, but it is really important you do. Remember, this is about re-learning a way of eating and life and has data that backs up the long term benefits. Fasting has been around forever, but so long as you do not do long fasts and cleanses, you will not have that yo yo effect.