P90X day 3 was Awesome how's your work out going?

OMG day 3 of P90X was last night, and I feel good, slightly sore but of course good sore. I loved doing the Arm and shoulder workout because that's exactly what I need. I have a lot of flab on my arms and I could use some muscle in there. I loved but mean loved the abs ripper x. Can't wait for my overall results. I'm so going hard and strong on this, not because I want too, but because I need it to get in the best shape I've ever been. I need to take a vacation in the summer and wear a two piece again...

How's your work out going?


  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i got 4 days left of it.. its been rough but i'm glad i've done it and stuck with it its been the hardest i've ever pushed myself
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Ab Ripper X - "I hate it...but I love it!"

    Love P90X. A lot of my at-work, upper body prison routines are fused with modifications inspired from doing P90X (it surprised me that Tony Horton knows about prison push-ups. If you haven't seen that in the Cardio X section yet, you will). My workouts are pretty intense in a short amount of time. I incorporate a lot of resistance band routines since I brought one with me to put in my office...obviously, they prohibit that kind of stretchy thick elastic material for inmates. Haha.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    Ab Ripper X - "I hate it...but I love it!"

    Love P90X. A lot of my at-work, upper body prison routines are fused with modifications inspired from doing P90X (it surprised me that Tony Horton knows about prison push-ups. If you haven't seen that in the Cardio X section yet, you will). My workouts are pretty intense in a short amount of time. I incorporate a lot of resistance band routines since I brought one with me to put in my office...obviously, they prohibit that kind of stretchy thick elastic material for inmates. Haha.

    Oh I bet they would prohibit stretchy elastic materials from inmate... lol... I have done Cardio X and I was a little confused on how would he know about that. I have a lot of friends that were (have been) locked up and I asked them about it and they agreed, they used to it that workout.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Though, in lieu of resistance bands, we used books or soaked beddings balled up and wrapped in another bed sheet to use as free weights. The [formerly] incarcerated are very innovative. Haha.