5 ft mom that wants to lose 40 lbs.

Hi --

I am new to the the site but so far love it. I have two wonderful children and a husband that can eat whatever he wants, as much as he wants and does not gain an ounce. I am 5 ft and currently 145 lbs. I would like to lose 35 to 40 lbs and to get into shape. My husband and I just started the Power 90 (prelude to the P90X) this week so my hope is that my body will be transformed in 90 days. Love to meet some friends to help me stay motivated and/or to give me any advice. Thanks!


  • LucieBear
    LucieBear Posts: 117 Member

    Welcome to MFP. This is a great site to keep you on track with food and exercises and best of all support from others. If you wish you can request to be friends and I will do my best to support you.

  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    welcome. You definitely want to follow a healthy eating plan along with the P90. Enjoy!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Hello and welcome. I am 4'11 and know that heigth is hard when it comes to weight and how it is distrbuted through the body. I have a shorter core, so I pack most of mine in the mid section and bottom. Good luck and enjoy.
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    I am a 5' grandmother of three who wants to lose at least 36 pounds. I started using 'myfitnesspal' five weeks ago. Into my fifth week, I have lost 8 pounds total for my first 4 weeks (1 month). I am starting very slowly and trying my best to be consistent--
    That said, I strive to stay on target with my calories and started using a treadmill for minimum of 3 times a week. But try to go 5 times. I started this program in hopes of being healthier and have the stamina to keep up with my grandchildren and children, as well. I also have another motivator: I want to be not only healthier, firmer, and in better health..but, I want to be thinner by my next birthday--I am turning 60!
    So, with all this said: Welcome, and I wish you much success in your healthy endeavors.
  • rosaliabritt
    rosaliabritt Posts: 131 Member
    Hello, again: 5 ft mom that wants to lose 40 lbs,

    We emailed back in February 2011. I am the 5 ft grandmother wanting to lose 36 pound.
    So, I am checking in to see how how you are progressing with your weight goals and healthy lifestyle.

    As for me, I am still plugging away, (started MFP on Jan 3, 2011) trying to eat within my calories and get more exercise.
    I must admit I have been a lax in my exercise. My start weight was 154 pounds and as of my last weigh in
    I was 130 lbs--so, 24 pounds down and would like to lose another 10 (maybe 20 pounds?) My journey has been
    slow and steady-- I am pleased over the pounds I have lost so far. But, I find myself wanting quicker weight loss
    and at times a bit frustrated. So, I will continue to move forward with more consistency in my exercise and resolve
    in my commitment.

    Love to hear from you.