Too Much Fiber

Hey, everyone...I could use some help!

I am eating more fiber than I'm supposed to have (according the the MFP goals I set). Is that a bad thing? Besides the obvious bodily functions (sorry to be somewhat blunt), is too much fiber bad for you?



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    How much fiber are you eating?
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    unless your going crazy high you shouldnt have any problems, just be sure to drink enbough water, the more fiber you eat the more water you need to drink.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Why does fiber make you so gassy. ugh lol
  • Nataliethin81
    I also go over on my fiber daily. I'm usually over anywhere between 2-15g.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    The daily minimum should be set to 25 - 30 grams. Going over a bit over is fine. But, too much could bind you up.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I choose a high fiber diet for health reasons and manually changed the settings on MFP to account for it so I'm not pestered by those negative red numbers, lol. If you're not noticing any problems with the amount of fiber you consume I doubt it's a problem. My understanding is that MFP's number is based on the MINIMUM daily fiber amount as recommended by the US, and that having more is a GOOD thing.
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    Mayo Clinic recommends 25 grams daily for women.
  • Bonstizzle
    Bonstizzle Posts: 14 Member
    I would say no, you are not over doing it. Dr. Oz even recommends taking a daily fiber supplement because even though we are eating healthy fruits and vegetables, it still can not be enough. :)
  • Bonstizzle
    Bonstizzle Posts: 14 Member
    I think you will find that very imformative.