HELP ME! I need to get in shape. P90X Sucks!



  • vinniesooner
    vinniesooner Posts: 119 Member
    Modify - I couldn't do it, either. But I'm 4 weeks in, and I get a little bit better every day.
  • Kshaggy68
    I might be interested in the video? $?
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    If you have a DVR or can access on demand TV programs try the workouts on there. I believe the workouts are listed under Fitness or Health. If you don't have a lot of funds, sometimes on demand is the best way to go because they are free (just make sure you don't have to pay for them). If you do have a few bucks I would recommend Jillian Michaels videos. She doesn't make you "shake" anything but she does make you work hard. My husband and I used Jullian's tapes (in addition to others) to get in shape for P90X.

    I understand, there is a disclaimer that says "P90X is not for everyone". Good luck.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    You tube and some of the fitness magazines have workouts online you can watch for free. :) As for the hardness of P90X. I agree it's hard. I'm in week 5 and literally I'm still struggling. It's hard but I just keep at it. I can do more now than when I started.

    Hang in there it's hard to find something that you like and can stick too. Make it work for you and you'll be great. You could always look for bootcamp type of workouts so you're not shaking your booty and such. Maybe try that Kenpo workout from P90X. I like that one. :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I just tried Bob Harper's Inside Out Method Strength DVD, have the cardio and yoga as well they are $9 each at walmart...Loved them. Could do the moves and I'm super sore today :) lol
  • Swilson87
    Videos like P90X and insanity are not designed for you to complete your first time around. They are to help you build up to a better and better level of fitness. I've never done one, but seen a few videos, and clips. I think they all have test to see where you are, and if you're ready to move on or repeat. So in short don't scrap P90X, you can make it happen, just be patient. Oh, I almost forgot. While your body is adjusting to the intense workout, you will probably drop a significant amount of weight.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    try 30 day shred, it's a good work out but not near as crazy, and it's cheap..just take it slow, do only half at first if thats all you can do, then aim to do a little more each time. It also has three levels so when number one isnt a challenge you can move up.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    It's called pushing yourself. I guess you didn't follow Tony's advice to modify. Just because you could not do it does not mean it Sucks!


    P90X is amazing! But you have to have will power and actually want to work out. You can't even finish the first video, but yet complain there is not any "manly" workout video's?
  • zebulonwindrow

    The point of exercise is to reach muscular failure. I would apply my push up philosophy to any work out: when you can't push, go to to your knees. When you can't push from your knees, pivot from your hip. When you can't pivot from your hip, stand up and do cherry pickers until your arms can no longer move and you have to lay down. That is a workout. The point is not to keep up with others, but to become a better physical specimen based on your personal goals.

    I tried P90X and it's way to hard for me, I couldn't get through the first video, what's the point of a workout video that you have to be in SICK shape to get through in the first place.

    Sorry but this are the things that make me laugh. The program doesn't suck, you just believe it does because you can't finish the workout. I'll just say this, you don't have to finish the workout in order to make P90X work for you, as long as you always do your best. Therefore I'll leave it there and wish you good luck LOL
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    I've done two rounds of P90X and I am currently doing a 3rd round (w/insanity). I see your frustration with just starting out because I was there as well. I started doing all the pushups on my knees and often just fell to the ground in sheer exhaustion/agony over some of the moves. But I kept plugging along.

    After 2+ rounds I still can't keep up with Tony and his crew but I look for little improvements every time I do one of the sessions. Maybe it's adding upping the weights I'm using, doing one more chair dip then the time before or being able to do 1 more pushup (which I can now do on my toes not on my knees) but its progress. I honestly think people want to look chiseled or cut or whatever term you want to use, they just don't want to put the effort or time into getting into that shape. It's not easy but as Tony says, "no one said it was gonna be easy"
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hey people...he amended his previous statement to say, "It sucks for me..." and he didn't like the "booty shaking" aspect of some of the other workouts. I totally get's why I LOVE Chalene and Turbo Fire! Him not being able to finish P90X has nothing to do with him being a's his fitness level that's holding him back. So instead of giving him crap, how about we commend him for wanting to start a fitness regimen and give him some useful advice other than, "Suck it up, Buttercup."

    Just my $.02. :wink:

    ETA: Oh, and I agree with the people that are telling the OP to try and do the workout as much as you can, modify, and go from there. The important thing is that you're MOVING, not that you're finishing each workout.
  • rachpiper720
    Options is a free blog and it is amazing! The lady is insane and has a new challenge for you every day. However, it is really tough stuff, but the challenges only last about 20-30 minutes. It is really fun and I can usually watch a tv show or something while I am doing it just to make it less boring.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Throughout the P90X videos statements are made such as "do your best and forget the rest", and "modify". You say "what's the point", well the point is that you do what you can and each week you try to do a little better until you can in fact complete an entire DVD. What you are complaining about is nothing anyone else hasn't already gone through (myself included) and I can now complete the videos and do way more than I thought I ever could. If you would just give it a try for 30 days you'll see how much it can help you.
    It's called pushing yourself. I guess you didn't follow Tony's advice to modify. Just because you could not do it does not mean it Sucks!

    Sorry if I offended you, let me rephrase, "It Sucks for me".

    It's not that I didn't try to push it, I literally can't pull off most of the moves in the program.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    It's called pushing yourself. I guess you didn't follow Tony's advice to modify. Just because you could not do it does not mean it Sucks!

    Sorry if I offended you, let me rephrase, "It Sucks for me".

    It's not that I didn't try to push it, I literally can't pull off most of the moves in the program.

    I would try getting a few videos and mix it up. Someone else suggested the Power 90. Why don't you try that instead?

    I, too, have been inactive for a long time. I use to be very active. I did lvl 1 of 30 Day shred, and it kicked my butt, and it was only 20 minutes. I'd say 1/5 of the time I was standing there huffing and puffing, trying to get my breath and feeling ashamed that I couldn't even do what seemed like simple moves.

    Eventually, if folks like you and I keep working at it, we'll better be able to keep up over time. You can't go from 0 to 60 overnight. :)
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Try Insanity

    If he's having a tough time with P90X, Insanity isn't the right choice. Insanity is WAY tougher than P90X.

    To OP: The whole point of P90X is to help you get into good shape. It's reiterated time and time again on that program that you need to work up to an advanced level. It's also emphasized that you should make appropriate modifications when needed. There's nothing wrong with that. What's the point of getting into a workout program if you already have it mastered? That leaves little, or no room for improvement. When I did P90X it was really tough in the beginning, but I was motivated enough to keep going. Now I think P90X is a piece of cake and had to move onto Insanity. You have to make the determination for yourself if you are willing to put in the work to get better though....
  • NathanBurton
    Thanks for all your help guys. Ive decided im going to try and stick with p90x. If I only get half the workouts done at first than I guess that's okay. If anyone would like to add me as a friend and cheer me on/keep up the good advice I'd love the help.

    Sorry for being a downer earlier too, I literally had just failed the video when I was typing and was a bit ticked off.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Thanks for all your help guys. Ive decided im going to try and stick with p90x. If I only get half the workouts done at first than I guess that's okay. If anyone would like to add me as a friend and cheer me on/keep up the good advice I'd love the help.

    Sorry for being a downer earlier too, I literally had just failed the video when I was typing and was a bit ticked off.

    I am glad you are giving P90X another try. The key is do your best and keep digging. If you have to pause, that is fine! If you can't finish a whole workout, that is fine!

    Hell my first day I did Cardio X. I had to pause after the yoga part. No joke. Then around the 25 min left mark, I paused after every single routine. Now I can do the whole DVD without stopping! And I'm only on Day 16 or so. It takes time and it takes everything you got for 60 mins a day. You can add me. And I'll try to help with anything I can.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    If you want to continue using your investment in the P90X program, why not try the "Lean" rotation of DVDs? When I did my first round of P90X, there was no way I would have been successful if Chest and Back and PlyoX had been my first two workouts. I would've failed big time.

    With the Lean rotation (which I really think is more like P90X-Lite), I find it's a kinder, gentler P90X. Also, you HAVE to modify. Seriously, I know LOTS of guys who dump to their knees in push-ups, who don't jump in the plyometric moves, who use chairs and resistance bands to modify pull ups, etc. They give you a bunch of different ways to modify, so utilize them.

    That said, if you just 'know' that P90X isn't the program for you, I would try something that will better prepare you for P90X (and that is more 'guy friendly') such as Power90 or Rev Abs. I would NOT try Insanity if you thought P90X was too hard.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Thanks for all your help guys. Ive decided im going to try and stick with p90x.

    Good luck with it and I hope you get the results you want.

    In my opinion the best workout routine is very much like the best "diet" (I dislike that word but people understand the meaning.) That is: it is the one you can stick to over a sufficient period of time, which accords with your goals and shock, horror the one which you enjoy. I know, I know, enjoying a workout sounds craaaaaazy.

    No matter what resistance workout routines you choose you will need to push yourself and work with a reasonable degree of intensity IF one of your goals is to lean out, increase strength or muscle mass. That's a given However, if you LIKE what you are doing and derive pleasure from it then you are likely to go much further.

    Try lots of different things and go with the one that suits you best. Having a clear idea of your goals is key to this. For example my goals over time have changed and as a results the routines I use have been adapted. These days I work principally for strength which takes precdence over being lean (although that is still an important driver for me.) I like seeing the weight stack up on the bar as I prepare for my lifts, I like being able to bench 280 for 8 reps with perfect form and a rep cadence of 4,6. Because I like it I stick to it.

    Bodyweight exercises, crossfit, circuit training, good old fashioned heavy lifting. The world's your oyster. Find the one that is right for you.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Thanks for all your help guys. Ive decided im going to try and stick with p90x. If I only get half the workouts done at first than I guess that's okay. If anyone would like to add me as a friend and cheer me on/keep up the good advice I'd love the help.

    Sorry for being a downer earlier too, I literally had just failed the video when I was typing and was a bit ticked off.

    Glad that you're going to give it another go. Each video is going to be a challenge, but that's the point. I'm coming up on a year with P90X and it hasn't been a walk in the park. But I love the DVD's and I'm strong as hell. Most women my age would have given up, thrown in the towel, accepted their fate. You have to push yourself to get better. So put in The Expendables soundtrack or score, crank it up, and work your *kitten* off.