Just Found out about Gluten Allergy!

salto Posts: 30 Member
My test results are in, and I'm allergic to gluten. My doctor did an upper GI a few months ago because of problems I was having and found all kinds of icky bumps (lymphoid aggregates) inside my duodenum. I had my gall bladder out in September because of GI problems. Now they say the blood test reveals I have a low level gluten allergy. Doc says if I stay away from gluten it shouldn't get any worse, but if I don't it will get worse. What's a girl to do? I don't want to end up with full blown celiac.

So I'm off to figure out what I can and can't eat. Any advice?


  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    My daughter just received this diagnosis a couple months ago. We are still learning. Sprouts has a wonders varity of gluten free foods. She actually lost about 9 pounds after having to change her diet for 6 weeks.
  • annadilynn
    Sorry about the allergy, but the good news is most grocery stores, in the health food sections have gluten free stuff...more than they use to....and with the internet there are all kinds of sights you can go to for recipes...I am sure you will ajust fantastically!!..I make gluten free cookies and they taste great...got the recipe off one of the sites online...
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian or maybe he/she can gived you a booklet wit some basic information. Everything depends on the level of your allergy, and only a medical professional can give you the correct information and guidance.

    In the mean time, just stay away from cereals, breads and pasta, pastries, deserts, and salad dressings with gluten.There are many stores with GF (glutten free) products. Whole Market, Trader Joe's, Henry, etc.

    Stick to veggies, fruits lean meats, eggs, etc. but my suggestion is to seek the recommendations of a dietitian
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I'm allergic too. . What's a girl to do? I think that's rather obvious. You read all you can and stop eating gluten. Its really not hard to do. All you can do it stop eating it and see where things go from there. Best thing to do is read. learn all the secret places gluten is found and it's other names. Anyone at a health food store can help you get started. Do you have a Mother's Market near you? They have been the most helpful for me. Be prepared though, it's more expensive and you're going to be buying a lot that sucks to find the few things that are good. Good Luck!
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I'm allergic too. . What's a girl to do? I think that's rather obvious. You read all you can and stop eating gluten. Its really not hard to do. All you can do it stop eating it and see where things go from there. Best thing to do is read. learn all the secret places gluten is found and it's other names. Anyone at a health food store can help you get started. Do you have a Mother's Market near you? They have been the most helpful for me. Be prepared though, it's more expensive and you're going to be buying a lot that sucks to find the few things that are good. Good Luck!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I would first be speaking to your Doctor. I've just been diagnosed as celiac and I'm confused by what you've said. If you are allergic to gluten, then you are celiac. If you are INTOLERANT to gluten, then that is completely different.

    If you are intolerant, then you can eat it in small amounts, or you may find you can eat certain sources without issues. If you are allergic, you shouldn't be eating gluten FULL STOP. So I would clarify this first xxx