Cheat Days

Lakeside54321 Posts: 23
edited September 23 in Success Stories
The following is my own humble opinion! It is working for me... you may think differently.

There is way too much talk of "cheat days" I have been on a diet many times and given myself cheat days before, but I have not this time, and I don't plan on it ever again... why would we want to punish ourselves with the crap and the crappy eating lifestyle that got us into this conditon to begin with? Notice I said "punish" and not reward!! It would be like being faithful to your spouse Sunday through Friday, but going and having a fling on Saturday! That wouldn't be healthy for your relationship with your spouse, and it won't create a strong relationship with your good eating habits.

If you will get your mindset off of Cheat days, and just watch your calories, you can eat any food you like. Just stay in your calorie range every day! This will train your body to do it right all the time.... not throw it in to a tail spin every time your "cheat day" comes around.

I have changed my mind about the way I am doing things this time around, and I'm not fretting it at all..... I'm not hungry....I am not consumed by food all the time.... I'm not making food an "Event"! I'm just looking at it with open eyes, and I'm in it for the long haul.... because I'm going to reach my goal of 50 pounds lost, and then I'm going to maintain that with a little luck and a whole lot of careful watching!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    (I agree!!)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Eating things like pizza, hamburgers, candy etc and being LAZY is what makes people fat. There is nothing wrong with having some pizza during a ball game or having a burger or two at your families cookout. Just so you eat healthy and work out, you can have your cake and eat it to.
  • UGH! The lethargic feeling you get from eating poorly is awful! Who wants to make themself feel like that??
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    When I started on Dec 6 2010. I use to do 'Cheat meal' a week - even subway...! Since January started - I don't give myself any 'Cheat meals' at all...not until I get down to 130lbs. But that is my personal goal. It has taken me 58 days to lose 15lbs and I'm 5lbs away from sayin' ' I have lost 20lbs while workin' out to Power90'...I'm not lettin' anythin' ruin this moment...LOL...

    But, I guess people will have there own views eh?
  • Fitness and health is a journey not a destination.

    If you can't EVER have any of your favorite foods, then you're probably going to binge in a really negative way.

    If you allow yourself your favorite foods occasionally and within your calorie counts, then food becomes fuel and NOT a splurge.

    Believe me, I'm a single guy who's bought pre-pared food and gain and lost 50lbs twice.

    If you see it as a destination and NOT as a journey, then you'll have a reason.

    This time, I'm trying to be realistic and honest with myself. I like friend chicken. I like cake. I like soda. I do not eat them everyday, but occasionally I enjoy them within my calorie counts.

    That doesn't make me a bad person. It makes me an honest person who wants to be healther long term and keep the weight off for the rest of my life.

    To each his own. Be honest with yourself. Enjoy life, enjoy food. Just don't let food rule you. Food is fuel for your body.
  • cthomps
    cthomps Posts: 31 Member
    I plan better - if I am going to eat out or have a few beers - I work off the carlories before or after - ALWAYS!!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Cheers to you all... I totally agree. I have lost 47 pounds so far, but if I was depriving myself of the things I love, it would not have happened. Right now I am trying to find things I can handle eating after having been hit by the flu. But if I want something, I have it in moderation, and if the calories are a little high I make sure I burn enough calories in exercising to cover myself. It's all about balancing and I can handle that for the long term. Good luck to all of you who are trying so hard to regain control... take good care of yourself!
  • I agree. As a person who lost a lot in the past only to gain half it back it's so not worth it. I found my habit of eating such foods began to creep and expand. From what I understand you get addicted to the sugar so to speak so it's best to try and stay on the wagon becuase it just makes things hard. I agree with eating your "bad" favorites occasionally and in moderation, within your calorie limits and trying to modify them to make better choices if you will still be satisfied.

    One thing though...why do we have to call the consumption of high fat/calorie/sugar foods cheating? It makes no sense to me. If cheating is to dishonestly violate rules then if you're on a diet and plan to have meals or days such as these then it's not breaking your own rules and it certainly isn't dishonest.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    UGH! The lethargic feeling you get from eating poorly is awful! Who wants to make themself feel like that??

    I dont feel like that.
  • Yasmine91
    Yasmine91 Posts: 599 Member
    UGH! The lethargic feeling you get from eating poorly is awful! Who wants to make themself feel like that??

    I dont feel like that.

    I second that. I find that when I did give myself cheat days, I felt sane, happy and it even boosted my energy. It's really down to the person, as they don't agree with everyone :)
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    UGH! The lethargic feeling you get from eating poorly is awful! Who wants to make themself feel like that??

    I dont feel like that.

    I understand the lethargic feeling. If I ate McDonald's for lunch - I would feel tired & most likely wanting to take a nap at my desk an hour or so later. When I make healthier choices - It is not necessarily a "feel good" feeling for me but more so I'm alert & not tired at all! It is a night and day feeling. Just my two cents. :smile:
  • Cheat days are good, as long as you don't over-indulge. Going over in calories once or twice per week won't hurt you, in fact, it will boost your metabolism! (to a certain extent). As long as you're not going absolutely crazy on your cheat day, it can be very beneficial.
  • jittythekitty
    jittythekitty Posts: 62 Member
    Wow. I've never thought of it this way ---- Thanks. Now if someone tells me to have a cheat day I'll say this to them XD
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I agree... I have had a few "cheat" days... actually last Sunday was one and it took me almost 3 days to get back to the weight I was on Sunday... maybe it was water retention I don't know but yeah I will try to not have them anymore because it just wasn't worth it.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    i limit cheat days, and i try not to have any, but there have already been one or two days where it was unavoidable due to stress or I ate for a workout i planned but couldn't make it due to work.

    If I go over 1200 calories, I don't go over my bmr, or what i would burn naturally (around 1800 calories). my cheat days then are just days that i'm not on a reduced calorie diet, not a binge day full of garbage. that way you don't destroy any progress you made over the week by eating more calories than your body can process in 24 hours.

    1200 is a relatively arbitrary number anyway, and a lot of people have pointed out that it would be different for people of different bmis. I try not to be totally submissive to this rule but instead make it the rough goal. It's not the end of the world if you eat 1300 calories in stead of 1200. Today I ate 1000. Is everything ruined? Absolutely not. Balance is great.

    whoever said planning is key...SO TRUE. you've got to make sure all calories are accounted for!
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    i like the way u put it i totally agree
  • LD6686
    LD6686 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm in the first week and had a bad day on Wednesday. Never doing that again! I have felt so guilty ever since :-(....I agree that you should eat the foods you enjoy, but perhaps go for the light mayo or the diet coke etc. So long as you burn an excess off, it really isn't that big a deal. I think you should have a cheat day, when you have reached a mini goal. It'll give you the motivation, without spoiling everything. Unless you really can't handle it without not being able to stop. Then don't do it. It's all down to your own views and needs. If your body is craving something, it is usually something that is missing in your diet. Don't go nuts with it, but having that one square of chocolate isn't going to kill you. So long as you put the rest away
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    Like everyone says, everyone body is different.
    Now I am speaking from experience on this subject.
    I have been throught so many diets, usually I would lost 30, 40, 50, even 60 pounds on each diet.
    During those diets, I would pretty much stick to the diet plan with very limited cheating if any.
    Each time when I reached my goal, I would go out to the first fast food place I can find, because I stayed away from any kind of bad foods.
    This time I decided to do it totally difference, I do have a "CHEAT DAY" every Sunday and sometimes do another cheat day during the week (but that is only every now and then).
    So far I have lost over 80 pounds and I am still continuing to workout and watch what I eat during the rest of the days. Now usually my diets would last about 4 to 7 months. That would be how long it took me to lose the weight. So far I have been on this diet going on 2 years and learning a lot about the food groups and being PATIENT.
    I learned from my other experiences that if you deprive yourself of foods that you enjoy, once you reach your goal you will be right back to where you started --- trying to lose weight again.

    In short, if you put yourself on a diet plan see if you can include a "Cheat Day" so you aren't missing some of the foods that you enjoy.
    But once again everyone's body is different.
    I personally believe in have a day to relax and enjoy life.
    Keep the faith everybody
  • I just wanted to clear a couple things up.... since I started this particular thread...... some respond as if I have said... you shouldn't be eating any of those things you crave, or that aren't necessarily good for you. I'm not saying that at all..... for example.... at 4:00 this afternoon, I can have 400 calories...... I may choose a Snickers Ice Cream Bar for 300 calories! I would still have 100 calories left over after that IF that is what I choose. I rarely eat those kinds of things now, because they are not that healthy. BUT if I want it.... by golly I'll eat it! :-) I am a firm believer that unless you satisfy your cravings to an extent, you will not be able to sustain ANY diet! You will not sustain the healthy lifestyle without satisfying your hunger in some healthy..... yet satisfying way! And one more thing.... you can tell yourself over and over..... "ONE cheat day" and then first thing you know..... well... we are going to have a birthday party in the office....... so "I'll just move my cheat day UP a day"..... but then your family didn't get to go the the pizza place because you already had your cheat day....... so "I'll just get a salad and maybe one piece of pizza"!

    It is all a game that you play in your head! I've done it.... You've done it! You were unsuccessful with it every other time! I think it is just better to get it out of your head. We don't cheat in any other situation in our lives...... there is a reason for that.... It ONLY destroys.... It screws things up.... it sets you back. So WHY on earth would you cheat on your diet??? Ok... I've said my peace! :-)
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    This is so weird I have cheat days once a week and the following day it does not affect the scale. Last night I pigged out for some reason woke up this morning and weighed the same as I did yesterday.
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