Greetings from Sin City!

I started by using the droid app version and I loved the results so much that I am putting myself out there. Not only am I de-lurking, but I have also let a very good friend of mine in on my 'secret weapon'.

A bit of background on me: Back in college, I was a heavyweight rower and even now, I am one of those rare women that has the physiology men wish they had- I glance at a stack of weights and seem to put on lean mass! I'm using that to my advantage now by keeping with the moderate cardio and adding strength training to my regimen. The idea is to put on that lean mass, watch my metabolism spike, then burn, baby, burn!

So far it seems to be working, and I want to see how far I can go with this! I'm glad that this forum exists, because between this and the droid app, I am ready to make this happen!