Crunches don't work?? Check out this article



  • wilmelenne
    oooh yeah I saw this article...I always hated crunches so always loved the planks! Best advice ever...but they forgot to mention that you have to lose the fat that's there. fat doesn't just turn into muscle...It's all about the cardio!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Power90's - Ab Ripper 100, & Ab Ripper 200 - have been doin' wonders for me...but we don't do just crunches... :)
  • xxjessikatxx
    yup, i never understood why people did crunches they just strain your neck...
  • bfrice1
    I saw that article too. It made me a very happy camper. I'm all about the planks now. I've worked up from ten breaths to ten seconds. Pretty Impressive, I know ;)
  • peteyTwang
    wow that is interesting, i too find that these are the _most_ difficult and painful especially the crunches where you sit up and punch left or right without using anything to hold yourself up off the floor -- wonder about the "reverse" crunches, too- where you lay on your back and then lift your legs to 90° then lower them again to hover about a foot off the floor - i can feel this one working my abs and while difficult are nowhere near as pain-enducing as the other kind