
Dafrog Posts: 353
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hubby woke up yesterday with a cresent shaped bruise between both eyes, both eyes also have dark circles under them, his eyebrow line was extremely swollen. he is 42 and teaches cosmotology, so he breathes a lot of chemicals. he keeps a headache, although if he bends over it doesnt get any worst, like a sinus headache would. the concern is i have read that swelling between the eyes can be due to something wrong with the kidneys. he wont go to the dr, says we cant afford it. anyone had any experience with eye swelling/kidney problems. cant really go by back pain, because he has a bad back from years of construction work as a painter. he is not a heavy drinker, he use to drink 2-4 beers to wind down and ease his headache every night, then he said he taught he was allergic to beer and switched to whiskey, 3 mixed drinks (prolly 4oz whiskey total). concerned and worried.


  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Go to the doctor. I know he doesn't want to but he needs to.
  • I agree! Please urge him to go to the doctor despite finances.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Please take him to the doctor. :frown:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Definitely make him go to the doctor. I'm not sure where you live but most places have low cost clinics and if not, hospitals, urgent care and E.R.s always make payment arrangements.
  • If he teaches, usually the school would at least look at him - provided he's teaching at an university. If it's something more serious, they'll tell him to go to the doctor, but usually university clinics are free to $10...or they are around here.

    Either way, he needs to go.
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