Um - Awesome!

clineg1 Posts: 7
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
So glad I stumbled onto this site. I'm here to finally get myself into shape after spending a year ignoring any and all attempts at health. I kept putting off getting into shape because I had my son. Well, he's 16 months old now, and I shouldn't be winded by carrying him up the stairs. I certainly shouldn't forego a trip to the park because I don't wanna chase after him after a few minutes. He deserves better, and I wanna give it to him.

So here I am, not knowing anything at all about health or nutrition or even exercise. To motivate myself, I registered for a 10 mile run on May 1st. I haven't run 1 mile let alone 10 since I was in HS, so this'll be quite the feat. I've JUST begun running on the eliptical, so hopefully I'll gradually get myself ready for this. Looking for all the motivation and support I can get, and I'd love to motivate and support anyone else in their venture to get / stay fit. Best wishes to you all on your own journey!

Hit me up if you've got any tips or tricks, 'cause Lord knows I need 'em. Thanks for checkin' in!



  • Tara_Alesia
    Tara_Alesia Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome to the site! There are so many kind people here to support you on your endeavor. Best of luck to you! :]
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