
I am still relatively new to MFP... I have been using the application on my phone and recently started using the full site.

I am no stranger to this whole weightloss arena. In 2002, I was at my highest of 240 lbs. After graduating college, I moved home and lost about 28 of it, just from being away from campus food. In 2005, I became serious about actively losing the remaining poundage. So I joined WW. I did great and within a year, I (slowly) lost another 50. Getting closer to my goal, I plateaued and nothing that is advised at that point would make the scale budge.

In 2007, still within about 10lbs of my goal. I suffered my first, real heartbreak and fell into depression (oh how he wasn't worth it, now that I can look back on it) I spent nearly a year, inactive laying on the couch, sleeping my days away (worked nights) and binge eating whatever fast food I could grab ahold of.

2011, has rolled around and here I am, 50 lbs heavier, again. So, I decided to get proactive. Visited a doctor and started all over on my sisters birthday, Jan 14th.

I am halfway through my 2 year gym membership so I am putting it to use. Taking group classes, using the regular equipment, counting all calories and joining fitness challenges.

I am excited to create a new and improved me and become unrecognizable :)


  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP!!
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Welcome Welcome!! :) I know you can do it. A little about me: I was 200 at 2 months older than 16 (Christmas) then joined a gym and WW online and got all the way down to 152 by 16 and 1/2 or 17. Got into a really serious relationship at 18 and gained weight, alllll the way to 235. Then realized that was a terrible relationship, broke up and lost weight to 180ish bounced around 170-185 for a few years. Got my heart broken/met my new boyfriend and gained allll the way to 240ish...Then 17 months ago find myself pregnant... I weighed in at an impressive 279 the day before I gave birth. Immediately lost weight all the way to 255 ish...gained weight back to 262 and decided I WAS NOT SEXY, HAPPY, FULFILLED, NOTHING at that weight and I've been here since August...going in circles... Lost 14 pounds, gained 6 back...and now I'm 2.8 LB away from being back to 14 lb lost!! Can't wait to get to 20 pounds!! But recently I've decided to focus a little more on the healthy eating and less on the losing weight!! I really encourage you to find as many MFP friends as possible. They really help me get back on track when I lose my way. Anyway, I didn't want you to feel alone!! I definitely understand. Good Luck to you!
  • tamarjag
    Thank you, everyone. I am glad to see that this site is so supportive of each other as we each go through our own journeys to healthy, "happier" lives together.
    Good luck to all!!!!