Making up calories from exercise

So I know you earn calories back from exercise. This sometimes leaves me 500+ calories to the good.
Are you SUPPOSED to eat back the calories you burn? I eat a little more before workouts and include carbs so I have something to fuel me up but I don't know how many additional calories you're actually supposed to eat!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    This is one of the most talked about topics on here. People will tell you different stories with their reasons behind it.

    I do not eat my exercise calories; however, I do not do strenuous, superwoman workouts either. I exercise no more than 45-50 mins a day. I also listen to my body. If I feel like I need something extra, then I will add a little extra protein, but this rarely happens.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    It is probably THE most discussed topic on here and while I agree that if you are working out you need more fuel going in I also believe that eating if you're not actually hungry is what got many people on here in the first place. If you exercise and you burn 500 calories and you're hungry then eat them (or some of them), if you're not hungry then I wouldn't. Your body is the one to listen to I reckon...but be honest. Don't not eat them just to speed up weight loss, you will hinder your progress
  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks for asking that question.I have been wondering that too.Some say you eat them others say don't. So I agree if you're needing extra afterwards eat something if you're not don't.You know your body better than anyone else.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    It is probably THE most discussed topic on here and while I agree that if you are working out you need more fuel going in I also believe that eating if you're not actually hungry is what got many people on here in the first place. If you exercise and you burn 500 calories and you're hungry then eat them (or some of them), if you're not hungry then I wouldn't. Your body is the one to listen to I reckon...but be honest. Don't not eat them just to speed up weight loss, you will hinder your progress

    I have to agree with you 100%. So many people on here are very adament about you have to eat them every last one or your body will go into starvation mode,you will gain it all back and then some and on and on.Everybody is diffrent I do just fine without eating all mine back.Some people are the other way.My best advice is find out what works for YOU!
  • ahbach2005
    I say go the middle road and eat half of them and see how it goes. It all comes down to results....and I don't just mean the scale. Take the time to do measurements and body fat percentage. Depending on your activity level you will build muscle.

    Sometimes you THINK you are on a plateau but in reality you may have lost body fat and inches and gained some muscle.

    Hope that helps.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    I was trying to eat my exercise calories and it was litterly making me sick to my stomach cause I was forcing them down. After 2 days of that, I stopped!! I normally do not eat mine back only because I'm not hungry. I work out any where from 27 minutes to 60 minutes a day, jsut depending on the day and what is going on in my crazy busy house,lol. I also don't work out on Saturday or Sunday but I do still keep up my food diary on here.
    When I talked to my doctor about eating my exercise calories, he told me to listen to my body, if I'm hungry then eat good foods, if not then that is okay.

    Everyone on here will tell you soemthing different, I went with what works for me aqnd I'm finally starting to lose weight after 4 weeks of not.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Right or Wrong........ but I use an extra evening snack as INCENTIVE to work out. I cut fairly close to my calorie goal every day to make sure that I don't lose too fast or put myself into "starvation" mode. On days that I run I tell myself that I have a 100 calorie snack in the evening. For someone who enjoys their snacks this is TRUE motivation. The results......I burn off 300 or more calories and eat back 100. Simple math really, I'm still exceeding both my calorie and weight loss goals. PLUS my body image is still reaping the benefits of the workouts. I can see more changes than ever before.
  • cheangela
    It is probably THE most discussed topic on here and while I agree that if you are working out you need more fuel going in I also believe that eating if you're not actually hungry is what got many people on here in the first place. If you exercise and you burn 500 calories and you're hungry then eat them (or some of them), if you're not hungry then I wouldn't. Your body is the one to listen to I reckon...but be honest. Don't not eat them just to speed up weight loss, you will hinder your progress

    *fistpumps* YES SISTA!!!

    I'm really happy catcrazy verbalized this so well, because making english happen this early is not my strong suit ;-).

    Another point I would like to add is the fact that it matters what you eat too. Don't do what I did last night and burn 1000+ calories on a run then immediately succumb to the fiance's offer of fresh pizza-goodness. I would have been just as satiated with veggies and healthy foodstuffs.