food that helps with depression



  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    i'm vegan and I always felt kind of depressed, like I wasn't getting the right nutrients.... and it's because I wasn't! I started taking B12 at the end of last year (someone mentioned B vitamins but it's really B12 that does it)'s typically found in animal sources, but I think it's better to take it isolated and not just starting eating steak every day... either way it improved my happiness levels IMMEDIATELY..much less pessimistic, more energy, in general a better attitude. i can't say enough about B12.

    I've also found that I get a lot of energy and positive brain function when I take chia seeds (you can add them to whatever food you're eating, for me it's soy yogurt). I take it when I want to be energized but in a more sustainable way than coffee. someone mentioned omega-3 fatty acids, and chia seeds have them. so do flax seeds. both help lower cholesterol and are a good source of fiber, as well.
  • goldenbutterfly
    flax seeds are also known as linseeds i put a handful with most meals and my baking like in muffins, cupcakes etc they also help with constipation and "help" prevent canser i get it from the bulk food section they are so cheap to buy. you can aslo get the oil.

    thanks for all your support and i know there are others who will be finding this usefull, for those concerend i have a awsome Dr part of taking control of my life is finding things that help fight the depression along side the "happy" pills :)
  • tater8589
    CHOCOLATE! LOL! Seriously, it raises seratonin levels. But it's not good for weight loss. 60% cocoa is a good one to eat though b/c it helps heart issues too in small doses.

    St. John's Wort is a good supplement as well.

    St John's Wort works, however if you are using BC it can cancel it out.
  • goldenbutterfly
    saint Johns wart shouldnt be taken with anti depressants either.

    you can also buy saint johns wart tea for a nice hot cuppa