Whole egg vs egg whites?



  • jknops2
    jknops2 Posts: 171 Member
    Um, wow, strong opinions over fats. Interesting article. I think getting unbalanced on either end of that is probably wrong. The right answer for all of that is probably in the middle.

    This is actually a problem that we have. There is broad consensus among scientist about this topic and a couple of individuals on the fringe questioning with non-rational arguments. Their mind is made up no matter what you say or evidence that you present. There is no middle in this debate. And it is impossible to have a debate about this topic, if one side is not rational and willing to change your opinion based on solid evidence.

    It is the same for climate change, the course of AIDS, evolution and other topics.

    The problem is that many perceive this discussion as that there are two real sides. But then this has been going on with the evolution debate for over 150 years. But I think that this is a major problem that we have and I have no idea how to address this.
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