New here

Hey all, My name is Megan, I started my weight loss journey about 6 months ago. My starting weight was 194.6. I joined a local biggest loser and got down to 150.7 by Christmas, but have since gone up to 167.UGH. I am a complete sugar addict. I recently started working with a local beach body coach and I am going to start the Insanity workout. I am very excited, and hope my motivation skyrockets!!!
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  • Wightvixen
    <---- chocolate addict here, I feel your pain! Luckily (kind of) I overdosed on the stuff over Christmas and can now live without it for a while. But....Valentine's Day is coming up, then Mothers Day, Easter.....there's always a reason for well-meaning family to buy you chocolate :frown:
  • sarasotatim
    Great job on the weight loss!! Welcome and good luck, feel free to add me if you need some more friends! :)