kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have always thought of myself as a pretty healthy person, especially as of the past 2 years, (cut lots of bad habits out of my life; added some good ones) I work out atleast 4 times a week, take vitamines, and not only do I watch my calories, but the calories that I do eat I make sure are of good wholesome foods that will sustain me and in the long run make me happier and live longer. no twinkie or krispy kreme diets for me. (although its tempting sometimes) :tongue:

But I was at the Gym a few nights ago, and on the news they were doing a documentary about how the masses are dying younger and younger each years due to unhealthy life styles. my first thought was, THATS NOT GOING TO BE ME! And then the documentary continued. They said that many people who believe they are doing their body good are infact not doing as good as they thought. They said that even tho we eat right, and exercise daily but hold a job in which we sit behind a desk all day, we are still killing our muscles off slowly. Because sitting for eight hours, and then working out for one hour, then going home and vegging in front of the tv for a few hours and then sleeping for 8 hours, we are spending the majority of our lives in a state of which we move very little, so our muscles are not getting the attention that they need. :frown:

They gave tips like, take the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away from the entrance to work, Instead of sending emails or Instant messages to your co workers, walk down the hall to their door. This will keep your body active, and cause your muscles to have to work longer.

I just thought it was interesting and I know that everyone can use good advice! SO GET OUT AND MOVE! :smile:


  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    That really is interesting! I never quite realized how much of our time is spent in a sedentary way. I'm definitely going to try to get moving more at work now!

    Thanks for sharing this!!
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for sharing this! Great points to consider!
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank GOD I am a nurse!!! Sitting is the last thing I do for 12 hours! Thanks for posting this...I have been thinking lately about how it would be so nice to have an office job instead of running my butt off. This makes me thankful for my career :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Wow i never though about that. Im like why arnt i looseing much weight, i spend all my time exercising.. When in fact i hardly ever move at all.. Makes me wanna get out of bed and do a couple of laps around the house lol.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    That sounds like good information, but hopefully we are cleaning and taking care of our homes regularly and that will get us off the couch and being a little more active. Not to mention, that once you start having children you have very little time to sit and do nothing.

    Thanks for sharing. It is definitely something to keep in the back of your mind.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Interesting, i believe it though I can relate. I am not in a healthy lifestyle yet but I do hold an office job where I am sitting all day, & I do try to stretch & walk around a little during my work time but most of the time i am glued to the desk.

    Thanks for sharing, as the weather is warming up I will begin my 20 min lunchtime walks again keeping this new info in mind.

  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    This is just one more reason I'm so happy to be a stay at home mom! I do spend a fair amount of time sitting, but I'm always getting up to make bottles, get juice or snacks for my daughter, to take her to go potty, to change my son's diapers, etc. And then there's all the cleaning...And once I do go back to work when my kids are in school I'm hoping to open a bakery, so I'll be on my feet all day.
  • Never thought of that! Thanks for sharing! Good thing I am a stay-at-home mom with a 1 year old! She keeps me going!!!
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