I Need Help and P90X!

I'm new(ish) to the site, but DEFINITELY not new to the weight loss journey. I've succeeded once, but put even MORE weight back on than I had originally.

I need some motivation!

I want to start P90X, and I was wondering if anyone else has the dvds who would like to start this with me? We could love to hate each other by reminding and insisting that the other NOT fall off the track this time!

I'm fed up with quitting, and I can't let myself fall apart again - if you feel the same, friend me and let's do this!!


  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello and welcome to the site. You are exactly where my wife and I were a little over 6 months ago. We started our weight loss journey by getting used to this site and starting to practice portion control. The first couple of weeks were very hard. We also started doing some low impact exercise first (wii fit, wii EA Active) and that was good for a while. We then looked at P90X, but when we saw the fit test for it we realized we were not physically ready to start P90X. I did some more research at that point and we decided to do a workout called Power 90. That is Tony Horton's first workout he did before creating P90X. My wife and I completed Power 90 at the end of last month and lost a total of 47 pounds between the both of us. We started P90X this week, and while hard (I hate the Yoga part) it is not as overwhelming as it would have been if we started it right away.

    The last thing you would want to do is to start an exercise program that may not be at your workout level and then become discouraged with it and quit.

    Power 90 can be found on the Beachbody website (same place where P90X is). I'm not a Beachbody trainer and I don't get anything for referring it to you, but I do *highly* recommend that workout for beginners.
  • classicshell
    Thank you. I will check that out!
  • pandaweevil

    I am tsimehc2000's wife. :) He spoke of me in his post. I totally agree w/ what he said. If I had not started w/ power 90, I do not think I would have been physically or mentally ready for P90X. (Power 90 Extreme.) Doing Power 90 was such a blessing! I personally lost 25 pounds, and 18.5 overall inches!!! 4.5 inches in my tummy / love handles area, 6.5 inches off my hips! Which has allowed me to fit nicely into smaller jeans. :) The Power 90 DVDs are also half the price as the P90X DVDs. I highly Highly recommend starting w/ the Power 90! As tsimehc2000 has stated, we started w/ Wii games, and that really helped too. I lost 26 pounds just playing those games. I do not know how many inches I lost doing that though, as I refused to be measured. I was just under 200 pounds when I started. :( I really felt a scene of accomplishment when doing Power 90! It was hard starting out, but most any exercise is when you are really really out of shape. A few weeks before we started P90X, thimehc2000 suggested that we double our workouts to total an hour so as our bodies could get use to working out for an hour at a time. That was a really smart idea he had too. It was much easier to slowly over time get use to the Power 90 exercises (as they have some of the same exercises as in P90X.) and workout length of time. It also helped build up muscle strength that I have needed to actually do the P90X. As I am sure you know, you really have to take this in steps if you want to make a life change, and keep healthy, and fit. I hope I was in some way helpful. Have a blessed day...

    Woo Hoo , my first post..... :)