Help! I have hit a wall.....

So I have been back on my workout schedule and watching my calories, but for the last month I have been stuck at my weight. Someone told me when that happens you need to build up your metabolism this correct? Any other advise or tips on how to get past this wall I have hit. It is very frusrtrating. :ohwell:


  • drosenbauer
    Do you do any strength training? Do you measure your progress in any way other than numeric weight?
  • jaybaileys
    Sounds like you've hot a plateau. Try mixing it up. Either lift some heavier weight in your resistance workouts, or try a different type of cardio routine. Also mix up your diet. Try eating a few 100 MORE calories for a week or two. Your body adapts to everything if you keep it guessing with new stuff it has to constantly stay on its toes. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water and getting plenty of rest at night.
  • Jodie_Wilson9
    First of all, great job for getting back in the game! Now, just don't get discouraged. Have you tried to mix up your routine? Referring to the whole idea of P90X with muscle confusion, it really does work. For instance, if you do a few weeks of cardio on the elliptical, switch it up to the treadmill or a bike. Try to increase or decrease the intensity of your workout on different days or alternate days or weeks (e.g. if you're restricted to certain days to workout, for example M, W, F, try to workout hard on two of those days and rest one or go lighter one day, then the next week go light two days and hard one). It can be as simple as that. You're body does get acclimated to routine, so try switching it up.

    Also, it could definitely be your metabolism. If you workout harder or longer, you'll burn more calories, but you'll also need more calories so you don't dip into starvation mode. So, you may need to increase your caloric intake to balance out your newly revved metabolism. Your body is like a car in that sense; the more miles you travel, the more fuel you're going to need to get there. Otherwise, you'll stall out. I hope this helped a little. Check out Google for some websites that could better address your problem or provide better examples for you. Good luck and keep on keepin' on!