About to cry....



  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    O my goodness girl...look at your tracker, you've lost 35 lbs.! I would hardly call that no progress! Maybe you are just jurning into a muscle machine. Now don't take this the wrong way ( I know I can't inflick my southern personality with the typed word) but my suggesstion to you is this: Put your big girl panties on and get over it! You've done a fantastic job and whether the weight keeps falling off or not, just think about how much healthier you are and I'm sure how much better you fill. Keep up the good work. I'm striving to do what you have already done...lose 35 lbs.! Don't look for excuses to quit and lose all the benefits from your hard work.
    Enjoy your weekend!:wink:
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    I feel your frustration. I have been stuck in a plateau for over 2 months now. Try that one. 2 whole months. No change on the scale, no change with measurements, no change in my BMI (I have a scale that measures that too).

    Wow. You are such an inspiration!

    Just a thought (and I'm sure you've tried a million and a half things and everyone gives suggestions but just in case it helps-) Have you tried 1-2 weeks of easy/lighter exercise? My workouts are distance running training programs and almost all of them have a "rest week" where my mileage tapers a little and I have an extra day off- so I will still be exercising but my body has extra recovery time because my long run is an hour instead of an hour and a half, and my middle runs are 30 min instead of 40. I don't see this in a lot of workout programs, but I've noticed my biggest losses are usually the week after this period. It's every 3rd week for my programs (so FULL week, FULL week, REST week, etc) if you want to try it.

    Anyway just wanted to throw that out there. Good luck- and Freakin way to stick to your guns lady!

    I haven't tried slowing things down just yet, but that might be the next step. After reading everyone's encouraging words (THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH) I'm going to keep pushing this next week and see if anything happens, while also adding a few more (ok maybe more like 100 more) calories to my day. Thank you for the great tips and the push I needed!
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    O my goodness girl...look at your tracker, you've lost 35 lbs.! I would hardly call that no progress! Maybe you are just jurning into a muscle machine. Now don't take this the wrong way ( I know I can't inflick my southern personality with the typed word) but my suggesstion to you is this: Put your big girl panties on and get over it! You've done a fantastic job and whether the weight keeps falling off or not, just think about how much healthier you are and I'm sure how much better you fill. Keep up the good work. I'm striving to do what you have already done...lose 35 lbs.! Don't look for excuses to quit and lose all the benefits from your hard work.
    Enjoy your weekend!:wink:

    How can anyone take that wrong! That was an awesome kick that put a smile on my face. Thank you!!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I agree, You don't have to eat back your calories.

    No- I said you should eat MORE of your exercise calories. I eat all of mine. I'm almost always within 30-50 cals of my daily goal, and go over 20 rather than under 100. Sure I might not HAVE to, but I like food, I like fueling my body.

    And through my plataeus I've found that my "starvation mode" seems to kick in when I have a net under 1300. Everyone is different, but I find many more people who have had sucess eating a bit more than a bit less- if only because so many of us err on the conservative side (over estimating what we eat, under estimating what we burn) eating less is equated with weight loss, which makes logical sense, but sometimes our bodies need more to do what we are asking of them.

    So my suggestion is to try to eat 1-200 more calories 2-3 times a week. Just my $.02

    Exactly! The closer you get to your healthy weight, the more important it becomes to eat your exercise calories. Your body will be relying on the food as fuel more so than body reserves - cuz you've lost so much of them. Also, the closer you get to your healthy weight, the less quickly you should expect to see weight come off. Your body just naturally wants to hold on to that last part of body fat - I know that personally. :smile:

    In fact, have you adjusted your weight loss settings & profile settings recently? If you haven't since before the major part of your weight loss you could have some inaccurate goal calorie levels.

    In any case, you look to be doing great. Congrats!
  • Kalamitykate
    Kalamitykate Posts: 34 Member
    Oh my gosh, are we twins? Last spring the weight was just dropping off of me. Then in June I hit 150 (35 pounds down) and have not lost another pound since. I've tried working out more and less, eating more and less and nothing has moved the scale. I was really frustrated after Christmas then I had a couple of revelations. The first was that I weigh 35 pounds less than I did this time last year and that rocks. Yesterday I ran 6 miles!! This time last year I could barely do a quarter mile. The last month I've reengaged by shifting my goals from weight goals to fitness goals. I'm working on lowering my run times, and looking at signing up for a triathlon and 10K this spring/summer. If I'm going to be 150 pounds at least I'll be the fittest 150 I can be. And if my doctor tells me that I'm still 5 pounds over healthy weight I'll just tell him that subtracting my 14 pounds of boobs puts me at a perfectly healthy weight :laugh:

    Hang in there. You'll get there eventually and even if you never lose another pound your body is so much happier and healthier now than it used to be. Cheers :drinker:
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    This may be a strange questions... but are you getting enough sleep? I've read a lot of articles about getting enough sleep and being able to lose weight.

    I had issues with the scale from early december up until mid january. I was going up and down the same pound. I was getting between 4-5 hrs of sleep and it was beginning to take a toll. I finally started gettting in 7-8 hours and suddenly i saw the scale move down. (i've lost 5lbs since) :) I also switched my workouts from 6 strenous workouts to 3 strenouse and 3 light.

    Hope this helps.
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    I, naturally, read the other posts before writing my response, no need from repetition from me, right? So many were so dead on, do not reduce calories, your body will save itself by slowing its metabolism. Mixing up the rountines, perfect. Happily, I do feel I have something to add: I jumpstart my system when I plateau by doing the unthinkable :) I workout aerobically longer and harder than I think possible (I also increase calories to support this increase in activity) - just for a while. When a trainer suggested that to me years ago, I was already doing more than I felt I could, I wanted to choke him. I had been a trainer myself, so I felt confident in arguing with him, he then suggested that I prove him wrong. Well I tried, since it was only going to be for about 10 days, not the rest of my life, I really hit the aerobics, I could face an increase just for a bit. Well, it was like pounds fell off. When I dropped back to my regular routine, I continued to lose at my pre-plateau rate. Good luck!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I, naturally, read the other posts before writing my response, no need from repetition from me, right? So many were so dead on, do not reduce calories, your body will save itself by slowing its metabolism. Mixing up the rountines, perfect. Happily, I do feel I have something to add: I jumpstart my system when I plateau by doing the unthinkable :) I workout aerobically longer and harder than I think possible (I also increase calories to support this increase in activity) - just for a while. When a trainer suggested that to me years ago, I was already doing more than I felt I could, I wanted to choke him. I had been a trainer myself, so I felt confident in arguing with him, he then suggested that I prove him wrong. Well I tried, since it was only going to be for about 10 days, not the rest of my life, I really hit the aerobics, I could face an increase just for a bit. Well, it was like pounds fell off. When I dropped back to my regular routine, I continued to lose at my pre-plateau rate. Good luck!

    This sounds like a good idea also ...... thanks!

    And bsoxluvr I agree with most of what everyone else has said (except the guy saying not to eat your calories, I'm a believer in eating them, lol). Chin up, you'll get there!