Weight Watchers as compared to MFP?



  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    I have also done Weight Watchers and had lost weight while I was on the program (and have gained it back) but IMO I would save my money and stay with MFP. The concept is basically the same thing because Weight Watchers uses points and MFP uses calories. When you stop paying for weight watchers you no longer have access to the tools unless you bought the books, but you get free tools with MFP. As others have said, its all in moderation and accounting for everything that goes in your mouth. I wish you good luck :)
  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    Also the boards on Weight Watchers.com are not as friendly to newbies as these boards are. :)) Big Big PLUS of MFP
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    I tried WW online a few years ago. I think it’s effective for loosing weight, but not for making the broad lifestyle changes people need to keep weight off. The point system doesn’t allow you to see what you’re eating in a holistic way. A 1-pont snackwell cookie and a 1-point apple are not created equal, but being on WW makes you think they are nutritionally the same. Using MFP, you can really see the difference that choosing one brand of bread over another can make to your sodium, fiber, or sugar intake. And you can make better and healthier choices for the future. I know when I look at a recipe whether it contains wholesome ingredients that will fit well within my plan. It’s hard to know that when you operate in a world of “points."

    This exactly!
  • Ditto on all of this. Except I never lost weight on Weight Watchers. I was a member on and off (always going back to it to *try* again since they had the 123 Point system in 1998 to present day version.

    MFP is free, I love the support of my friends on here, and if they had a shirt for MFP cheerleaders, I would wear it proudly!
    I like MFP better for a couple reasons:

    a) MFP is free...WW meetings were $11 a week
    b) MFP is online..WW online is so not user-friendly; costs an additional $10/month and doesnt have HALF of the stuff that MFP has to offer.
    c) MFP's mobile app is the shiz-nit...WW's app kind of sucked.
    e) MFP is online...I dont have to go to the meetings. I can spend that 2 hours playing with my babies or exercising, etc.
    f) MFP keeps better track of your info...it's all online; you dont have to keep up with a book and write everything down, you can create recipies and share them
    g) MFP is online...The MFP community is so much friendlier and more supportive than a group of old ladies (seriously..old ladies can get mad when they dont lose the weight they want)

    Ok..I think you can tell i am biased..LOL...but I hope you select whats best for you!
  • I, too, have done WW. I hope I'm not repeating what someone else has said; I skimmed the responses. What clicked for me with WW was the meeting; talking face-to-face with people, seeing the other person look at the scale when I weighed in, knowing that I had to step on that doggone thing at the end of the week with someone looking...All those things "kept me honest."

    MFP does many of those same things...as long as you're honest about your food, your weight, and your exercise. But online communities, as good as they are, still leave out the personal contact.

    If you want personal contact, look in your area for a TOPS chapter. They are at http://www.tops.org/default.aspx I just joined last night, so I am no expert. But my aunt, who attended WW with me, has been a TOPS member for a while now. She says it has that personal face-to-face contact that WW had, but it is much cheaper to join. $26/year, plus dues at your meeting. The dues at my chapter are $1/week, but you can reduce that to 50cents if you log your food and exercise. You can win money back by losing weight. And my aunt was the biggest loser in December, so she pays no dues for January. So it is a more cost-effective program. There isn't a program, per se, like WW has. I will use MFP to track my food and set my goals; the people at TOPS will be my in person community.

    At lest check out their webpage before you sink a ton of money into WW.
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for all the information and feedback about WW. It's helpful to hear what your experiences were on the program and to know that MPF offers many of the same things-- but better!

    I have always gotten great feedback when I've posted a topic on these boards, and that's definitely my favorite thing about MFP. Sounds like a great idea to also join a specific community on here to keep me focused.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I say stick with MFP as it teaches you more about food and nutrition as well as portion sizes. Everyone I know that has done WW has piled the pounds back on. Being on MFP feels like more of a lifestyle change for me as I am learning so much about what I eat AND obviously everyone else can see what I eat which helps!
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    I have done WW before and had some great success with it. Both MFP and WW show you were your calories (or points) comes from. MFP has a great support system and there are people out there who can answer every question for you. But you have to ask.

    If you are new to weight loss, fitness or have no idea about your diet, it might be worth one round of WW. WW encourages you to have all your veggies and fruits, drink your water, take your vitamin, healthy fats, dairy, etc. It does teach you balance in your diet. While MFP does not quite do all that.

    If you know you should have lean protein, 5 servings of fruit and veggies, 8 glasses or water, work out 3-5 times during the week, etc. then save your money for a new workout outfit, gym membership or great home workout program.

    Not matter what program you sign up for, it takes effort, time and hard work to lose the weight!

    Good luck and congrats on the wedding!!!
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