Calorie counter watches vs treadmill readouts

Ok, I thought I would be smart and buy one of those watches that shows the heart rate plus the calories you supposedly burn by doing whatever you do throughout the day. I thought this would help me a lot because I am one of these people who like to know how many calories he is burning, especially at the gym. I like to look at the counter and thing "Well, there went the Subway sub I just ate.".. it helps me focus.

I got to the gym today thinking I would test this new calorie counting watch out.. something isn't right. Either the treadmill is lying to me or the watch is.

Final calorie burning total on the treadmill = 854
Final calorie burning total on the watch = 510


Just to throw out some more info. I was on the treadmill for 1 hour, with an incline of 7.5 and a speed of 4.0.

I'm not sure which one to believe now. All the websites I have looked at say in order to truly know how many calories you burn, you have to put in your weight because the more you weigh, the more calories you burn.. the treadmill does ask for my weight.. the watch did not.

So.. I ask every one here. Should I go by the watch, or what the treadmill says?


  • Lstrode
    Judging by your time and settings on the treadmill, I'd go with the treadmill's settings. How often did you check your HR on the watch? You have to check it frequently to get accurate readings on the calories. I check mine every few minutes. It isn't on your chest, so I think it just goes by whatever the last reading was when you checked it. When I start, mine is slow, as I keep going, my HR speeds up. And then I notice the calories burned # going up while my HR is up. Try it again, and check it often.