Ghosties and ghoulies and long leggetty beasties

kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
I am big into the paranormal and used to be an investigator. Who has some nice spooky stories?


  • Ooohhh, me! I used to run a paranormal investigation group in Detroit! Lay 'em on me! :)
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    Ooh, please tell me YOUR stories. lol I don't really have any...well, i kinda do but i think it's kinda stupid. There's an application for the iPhone called Ghost Radar that's supposed to pick up on "strange presences." It's kinda like that radio-looking thing that investigators use to communicate with ghosts...i guess you would have a better idea of what it's called since you were an investigator yourself. lol Anyways, one night i was messing around with the application while i was sitting in the living room o my parents' house and when my dad stepped into the room, that thing said "father"! lol I was like WTF! And the same time a castle appeared on TV (think it was a Disney commercial) and it said "castle." Also, another time it said "brother" while i was sitting next to my brothers. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or seems like a heck of a coincidence if it is. lol
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Wish I did. Well I guess I have one. I used to live in a trailer in Stafford Virginia. there is a small pond very nearby known as Witch's Pond. There is also a sacrifice table from the 1700s (see: under Stafford).
    Well I had my dog's prescription pills sitting on the coffee table. There was maybe 3 items total on this coffee table. I went to grab them and they weren't there. I searched high and low - my eyes kept going back to the table over and over again. Nothing there - I know that's where I put them. So I'm on a chair looking through a cabinet in the kitchen where we keep medicine. I turn and glance again at the table and the pills were sitting right there where I left them. Not really spooky but to this day I just don't understand it.

    And my boyfriend and I - when in the shower at separate times - both saw something white pass by the bathroom door (shower doors are frosted glass). When it happened to me I even opened the shower door and looked and said hello? Nothing. And this wasn't sun reflection off a car that we would get off the wall there. This was a large white mass. I guess I don't find these spooky - they excite me!

    I would give anything to see something.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Ooh, please tell me YOUR stories. lol I don't really have any...well, i kinda do but i think it's kinda stupid. There's an application for the iPhone called Ghost Radar that's supposed to pick up on "strange presences." It's kinda like that radio-looking thing that investigators use to communicate with ghosts...i guess you would have a better idea of what it's called since you were an investigator yourself. lol Anyways, one night i was messing around with the application while i was sitting in the living room o my parents' house and when my dad stepped into the room, that thing said "father"! lol I was like WTF! And the same time a castle appeared on TV (think it was a Disney commercial) and it said "castle." Also, another time it said "brother" while i was sitting next to my brothers. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or seems like a heck of a coincidence if it is. lol

    I think that is pretty wild. The only investigator show I watch is Ghost Hunters. It seems the most realistic to me. But I'm sure most of those shows are purely for entertainment. I would love to investigate.
  • I agree, we want to hear your stories! I love ghost stories!
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    This happened about ten years ago....Exactly 24 hours after a close friend passed away at 4 am, I awoke to the dogs barking, crazy mad, at the window of our second story bedroom. I couldn't figure out what they were barking at. Then I looked at the opposite wall and there was a large shadow of a cat sitting in the light coming through the window. (Am I explaining this okay?) The street light coming through the window would show as a rectangle of light. In that rectangle of light was a shadow of a cat. I looked back and forth over and over and pinched myself. There was definitely no cat in the window. This image was there for about 5 minutes. Finally the shadow stood and hopped down from the window (to where?--I don't know--since I could never see the actual cat) I spent the next month trying to come up with different excuses as to how there could have been a cat that I couldn't see (i.e. Could it have been on the outside of the screen? etc.) No excuse that I could think of was possible (i.e. there is no ledge of the outside of the window, etc.) I finally had to accept that there was no logical explanation.
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    Unfortunately, the reality of ghosthunting is quite a lot of sitting in the cold and dark with not much happening but when the unexplainable happens it's so exciting. I did the wycombe hell fire caves in Berkshire and as I was coming out I felt something tug my jacket. Without me saying a word, my friend, who is a medium, turned to me and said, did you see that little girl? She was pulling on your jacket. We stayed in an apartment in Dublin, Ireland, and heard footsteps every morning in the lounge. On the last night, I woke up to the worst smell I have ever experienced, like rotting meat. It gradually faded but it was in the bedding and pillows.

    The ghost radar is sort of like an emf meter which supposedly picks up electro magnetic fields which are supposed to be present when spirits appear. There is a theory that spirits travel along ley lines, natural energy in the earth. Hence the Scottish folk song, I'll take the high road and you take the low (ley) road etc,
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