Chile Heads - Favorite Hot Sauces?



  • Mrs_McFadden
    LOL anubis..
    One of my husband's friends used to embarrass us at restaurants in our 20's. We'd go eat some Chinese or something and he'd tell the waiter "I want it SOOO HOT that the people in the kitchen come out and try to see who is eating it and crying!".

    THAT is hilarious. I kind of wanna go to a Thai restaurant and tell them that their spicy foods, aren't really that spicy. I'm sure the cattle-prodding comment will force them to add more to my liking... But seeing as "backhanded compliments" aren't highly regarded as praise in the restaurant industry, I withhold statements like that because I don't want to question the viscosity in my broth-based soup. (o_O;)

    I'm sure the people in the kitchen upon hearing your statement would cuss up a Thai storm and bomb your plate as you desire! Dang, if you think Thai isn't really that spicy ..well it isn't unless they really load up the peppers, so you're right, I'd have to consider myself must be advanced lol.
    Ew re: viscosity of your broth just reminded me of Chew. yuck.
    As a former waitress and cocktail waitress, most of us, and certainly not myself, ever tampered with the food in such a manner. We just talk trash in the wait station about the *kitten* in our section and tell everyone the table number.

    @ LuckyLeprechaun lol at food being a Tabasco delivery system..I think that's how I consider my foods with my various spicy stuff too ;).