Ouch! My Knees!

Summary: Started The Shred (Jillian Michaels) middle of Jan... did Shred only a week. Then, hit the gym running on treadmile... So, for about a month, I've been doing "high impact" stuff for 30-40 mins--- 5 days/week. Last week I started level 2 on The Shread.

A few days ago, my knees started to hurt--- BAD!!! Like, can't even do jumping jacks or run---

2 Questions...

1.) What do you think the knee things from The Shred or Running...

2.) What kind of cardio would you suggest while my knees heel.


  • llbates
    Biking or swimming if you have access to an indoor pool
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    1: I would workout three days, then have a recovery day with yoga, then workout two more days.
    2: Aleve gel caps got me through
    3: once your body gets better conditioned your knees will get stronger
    4: rest rest rest days
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    It could actually be a real problem - IT Band or something. You really better lay off of it and see if it gets better, if not I would see an orthopedist.
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    My knees starting when I was running for my workouts and so I switched to cardio workouts (some with JM) and they still hurt. I was told to start taking a supplement called Glucosimine Chondroitin (spelling?). It is for your joints and I got mine at WalMart. I take two every night and probably will forever, just like it is a normal multivitamin. I also used Aleve or Advil in the beginning some to help until the supplement kicked in after about a month. Now I use a recumbent bike, elliptical, and very fast walking with the occasional jog during my walk. Good Luck!!
  • prencesskl
    I started 30 day shred about 2 weeks ago, and my knees little by little have been killing me, but I remember being younger and havingn that happen at the beginning of any sports season while your body got used to it again. I am just giving it a little more time off, some heat or icy hot, and tylenol
  • LuckyRooster
    I have this problem too sometimes - It hurts!

    First step: get to a GP to make sure you have not given yourself a serious injury! you might need physio.

    No running, No Jumping, no class aerobics. anything that is going to jolt your knees. If there is a cross trainer (elliptical trainer) at your gym, make it your new best friend. Also the rowing machine is a good option. Just make sure you are using it properly and never fully straighten your knee.

    These exercises help to strengthen the muscles around your knees, keeping the caps in place and supporting the joints. Build them up and take care of yourself.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    My bad knee acts up when I increase running, jumping types of activities. Once I get used to the increased level the pain seems to subside. I am doing the Shred, I do some of the jumps on my mini trampoline which lessens the impact to the knee. I do modified pushups and put a folded blanket under my knees to cushion them. I suggest you make sure you are wearing well-made supportive shoes that will absorb some of the impact. That being said, I have been guilty lately of jogging in my winter boots. . . I start out intending to only walk but can't hold back from jogging some of the way. I know that is an aggravating factor too.