hello! suggestions for a girl that just got dumped?

Hi all, I juts joined a few days ago and have been liking this program a lot! i noticed I'd put on a couple extra lbs over the winter so i want to get back to my normal weight and start working out more.

This afternoon my boyfriend and i broke up, and I'm wondering if it's okay to splurge this early on in the game. I know food won't make me feel better, but I'd like to be able to go out and have a few drinks and not worry about it.


  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I strongly advise not to do it! Drinks have a horrible amount of calories and they are empty. Also, you don't want to see the ex around town and be the same weight or a couple pounds more do you? Keep on track and lose weight and show him the hot girl he is missing!!!
  • merebear
    merebear Posts: 80 Member
    Don't blow your success on him! Don't let him win over you....staying strong will just help you prove to yourself that you are stronger than that and that HE will not affect you or set you back! Stay strong....maybe have just ONE mixed drink using diet something or resist completely. Go workout....you will feel better, skinnier, and proud!
  • Cmsl90
    Cmsl90 Posts: 16
    Don't splurge...give yourself 1 candy bar as comfort...Snickers Peanut Butter or 3 Musketeer would be best...I did not really splurge until tonite (5 weeks and 14 pounds later), but I did allow myself 1 candy bar a week but made sure I worked out a little extra too.
    NO MAN IS WORTH you keeping yourself happy and feeling GREAT about YOU!
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    go for a workout to blow off your steam - that way, the next time he sees you you'll be hotter than ever and he'll be gobsmacked....
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Don't take the drink/drinks. Keep going, get really good looking and rub it in his face.....while you are dating a hotter guy.

    Good luck and Big Hugs!
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Sure, why not. Some of the greatest advice I got, if you don't indulge once in awhile, you will subcome to urges and blow everything. Go out, have a few drinks and a good time, and then just hit it twice as hard tomorrow. Sorry about your breakup, but keep your head up, do this for you, and enjoy life.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Exactly! Push yourself harder and let him see what he's missing! then when he crawls back show him the hotter guy you got going on!
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    I would ask myself "how am I going to feel tomorrow knowing I let a guy get the better of me?"
  • miatavixxen
    Dark chocolate - good for you AND won't totally kill your watching what you eat! You can be strong - just think how much powerful you will feel if you can just say no to the drinks! You can do it!
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    I would also advise against eating/drinking to feel better. You will probably only feel worse after. Get some friends together & do something physical, whether you workout or do something else. It may sound silly, but even something like laser tag might help--you get to shoot people (pretend it's him lol), run around, and sweat. You've got to take the negative stuff in life & use it as encouragement to keep moving forward, not falling back into old habits.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Alcohol is a depressant so it really won't help you feel better.

    I suggest working out ...maybe go punch a punching bag for a while LOL Or do some kickboxing. Get that anger out!

    :( Sorry y'all broke up. I hope you are okay.
  • Giovanni_P
    Are you looking to kill the pain with a couple of drinks? Or celebrate your newfound freedom?
    I'm gonna have a few beers on Sunday. (superbowl) And I'm probably gonna eat more than I should.
    If you are celebrating then it is a little easier to maintain control, than if you re feeling in the dumps. So depending on which way you are feeling should determine if you have anything to drink.
    But if I had just got dumped then I probably would not drink.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    I'd go to the gym. Whenever I go through a breakup and the initial shock wears off I always consider that I may have (most of the time I definately have) given way too much of myself to the other person. The whole time I was so worried about their needs and not making sure my own were met. Here's that time for you. Time to take care of yourself and be the best you that you can be FOR YOU. Call it your selfish pleasure. Get some good music, go to the gym, blow off some steam and when you see him around town you'll think "really? I was gonna ruin myself over that??" LOL. Be the girl he wish he would of fought for. I'm sure you are :D
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    Im gunna tell you not to get hammered....not because of the calories but because its a disaster waiting to happen....lets just say i drank like 2 bottles of wine after my ex and I and pretty much went insane!!! not good!!! If you are drinking cause you are sad that is never good!!! Unless maybe you are celebrating!!! good luck!!
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    Forget the drinks! If you go out drinking you will just end up calling him, and totally regretting it in the morning!

    Like everyone else said, keep to the diet and make him regret the break-up!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    I strongly advise not to do it! Drinks have a horrible amount of calories and they are empty. Also, you don't want to see the ex around town and be the same weight or a couple pounds more do you? Keep on track and lose weight and show him the hot girl he is missing!!!

    i agree with the above, i was dumped on the 7th of Jan and while i missed the ex for a while i decided it was beta to concentrate on bein better for me and eventually that if i see him around he wil b shocked n disappointed that he walked away :D

    best wishes hon, keep ur chin up

    Kirstie x

    ps feel free to add me xx
  • lpinnell
    Having some drinks is not going to make you gain 20 pounds! Go have a few drinks and feel better! Also, I'm betting a couple guys hitting on you will help too. ;) Then, get back on track and do your thing! =) My ex and I broke up a few months ago too so I know what you're going through.
  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    gah who needs a drink when you could have a nice salad instead? doesnt that sound good?
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i like the punching bag suggestion

    alcohol will take pain away temporarily. so will eating tons of comfort foods that being said, do what you need to do. :smile:
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    gah who needs a drink when you could have a nice salad instead? doesnt that sound good?

    not when you phrase it like that tbh