Weight Loss after baby #2

In august of '08, i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I struggled to loose the 35 pounds i gained. A year and a half later, i weighed 157 pounds.I started using my fitness pal in febuary of 2010. . I lost a few pounds, then suddenly started gaining weight, even though i had been exercising like crazy and watching everything I ate. Turns out i was pregnant! So now after giving birth to a healty 10 pound baby boy in november I am finally ready to get back to my pre baby making weight of 140. I am currently at 179. Any tips or motovation would be great :)


  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    My motivation was that I bet with my boyfriend I'd loose a certain weight by a certain time, that I'd fit into all my clothes, and feel better about myself. So, pick what motivates you. A certain thing you want to wear? Look good by summer? A wedding? A reunion? Birthday? Anniversary? Child's birthday? Good luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    In October of '03 my second child was born. I've struggled for quite some time. On January 1st of this year I was ready to change. I began my journey to get healthy, toned and hopefully loose a few pounds! When I started I weighed 177 and as of last Saturday I weighed 173. Hopefully it will be lower when I weigh in tomorrow!
    The best advice I can give is is as follows:
    - Maintain your food diary.
    - Plan out meals.
    - Exercise as long and often as possible. (I'm doing P90X)
    - Eat all of your exercise calories. (the calories you burn when exercising)
    - Set reasonable mini goals. I've got my as part of my signature.
    - Be honest with the things you enter. You won't make progress if you're not honest.
    - Stay active in blogs, message boards, etc. MFP is a wonderful supportive resource.
    You might also take a look at the posts below. Good luck and feel free to friend me.

  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    I think the key is organization, especially with 2 young children. Pick a day and a time when your spouse/a relative/a friend could watch your little ones and cook as many healthy meals as you can. So even when you are crazy busy tending to your children you always have a plate ready for you in the fridge. So no excuse for eating a frozen pizza or ordering in... Also I'd say what really helped me a lot was my husband's support. He is on MFP too, so since we are both in it together, it gives me one more reason to cook good healthy meals for the both of us... and when I dont feel like cooking because Im exhausted with the baby, I remind myself Im not alone in this and can't sabbotage him.

    ETA : When I don't feel like working out, I remind myself it's pretty much the only 'me' time I allow myself. Even if Im a mom, Im a woman first and I need to take care of myself. That gets me off the couch :smile:
  • mamarh
    mamarh Posts: 95 Member
    The weight does come off after #2...but slowly. My son is 8 mos now, and I have lost about 40-45 lbs since the day I gave birth. Keeping a food diary such as on this site makes a big difference...just being aware of what you eat. But it's hard. As a mom of 2 there's so many nights where I have just crashed out on the couch with ice cream or nachos... Dont be too hard on yourself.