
I was looking at old pictures just now and I see that this very day last year I had officially lost my 50th pound. As of yesterday, I have gained back 33. Isn't that like, an INSANE amount of weight to gain in just one year? What the hell happened to me? It's like I took everything I learned and worked hard far and not only threw it out the window, but regressed and acted even worse than before.

I know what happened, but I don't like to use it as an excuse. When I had lost 50 pounds, I was still 15 pounds from my goal. I was so determined to lose that last 15 before my wedding, I think it put too much pressure on myself and slowly the weight kept creeping on. By my wedding in October I had gained back about 13, so not TOO much, but enough to be mad at myself. I still think I looked good in my dress, but I know I could have looked better. I had to have my dress let out a little because it had gotten too tight :(

I thought not getting to my goal before my wedding was the worst thing, but since I gained back 13 and then went on to gain way more back, I kick myself everyday for not just switching to maintenance and being happy with what I had lost rather than push for that last extra bit. I was VERY comfortable at that weight and I've decided that that is my new goal, to get back to that. Maybe one day I could go on for that last 10-15, but right now I would LOVE to be back to that weight.

I know everyday is a new day and I've been doing very well for the last few days (except tonight, dinner was my cheat meal since it's Friday) but I still can't help but feel very sad at how I gave up and gained so much back. I NEVER thought I would gain any back, much less this much.


  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Don't be sad! Get motivated!!!! Watch some of the running videos on youtube, you can do it! Look at how much I need to lose....if I can do it you can too, and you have a much shorter distance than I do!

    Here's my favorite video, I hope it inspires you. I play this all the time (heh!)
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    good luck u can do it.....
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    Slap the horse on the *kitten* and ride. You already know how. let rock. welcome back.
  • bobdubya
    It WAS sad reading that. But the good thing is we now know you can do it again. It just made me determined though. So thanks. I know you will get back.... Happy marriage BTW...
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Many of us can relate to how you feel. I, too, have gone through several of the "If only I knew what I had then..." The reality is, it's not here now, but you can change that. In my experience, placing something superficial on a goal or basically not finding the right reasons for losing weight, makes me not able to stick to it. Look at the behaviors you changed and examine what made you keep "slipping."

    Hopefully you can focus on being healthy and active, then the weight loss won't be such a big thing in your life. And if anything, just remember you haven't gained it all back, so the hard work wasn't all for naught.

    Anyway, we're here for you and have faith that you can get yourself back to where you want to be!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Try not to be so hard on yourself! Weddings and marriages have that effect on people. You're back in it now and that's all that matters. I lost 75 lbs in college....I gained 10 lbs leading up to our wedding and 10 lbs on the honeymoon (in 10 days!! cruise = evil). I had just started losing again when I got pregnant and was only 21 lbs away from my highest weight ever when I delivered. I feel there will always be ups and downs, and it's depressing if you dwell on how many times you lose the same weight (I'm finally losing again just to try for baby #2 later this year - sometimes it's like what's the point??) but try to forget all that and focus on your end goals :)
  • mariasheehan
    I've been there and I know exactly how you feel. Unfortunately we can't change the past, but the future and today you can control. I feel like this post is for me today, because, today I decided to stop striving for 'another' 10 lbs and be happy with the weight I am at which was my initial goal. Today I switched to maintenance. I feel like you saying this, is meant for me and I did the right thing.

    I lost 30 pounds 15 years ago and put it all back on again and when I look back I'm so mad at myself. But I've lost lots of weight again and I have a feeling because of MFP I'm never going to be overweight again. I know how mad you feel, but lets move on now, you can totally do this again and for good this time. If you need any support or help please let me know....

    Maria :-)
  • jodie1306
    You are already half way there, you have made the confession & are facing the reality that you need to get back into it. You can do it, you know you can do it, you've done it before. Sure you've had a setback, we all have had many setbacks, you know what you need to do. This is for YOU, you deserve to feel amazing as well as look amazing. Remember you are definately not in this alone, there are lots of people in the same boat & they are here to support you every single step of your journey. :wink:

    P.S. & for a great laugh, read the "confessions" post, it will definately lift your mood
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    I can completely relate to this. I lost 98lbs and in the past 4 years I've gained back 40lbs. Its really deflating, but I feel good knowing I'm doing something about it. It really is so much about focus and love for yourself. Keep your chin up. Your doing great.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Try not to be so hard on yourself! Weddings and marriages have that effect on people. You're back in it now and that's all that matters. I lost 75 lbs in college....I gained 10 lbs leading up to our wedding and 10 lbs on the honeymoon (in 10 days!! cruise = evil). I had just started losing again when I got pregnant and was only 21 lbs away from my highest weight ever when I delivered. I feel there will always be ups and downs, and it's depressing if you dwell on how many times you lose the same weight (I'm finally losing again just to try for baby #2 later this year - sometimes it's like what's the point??) but try to forget all that and focus on your end goals :)

    Aren't honeymoons awful? Haha. I feel like I forced myself to eat too much on my HM just because I could and because I was allowing myself too. Unfortunately that mindset continued once I got home :( I'm in the same boat with the pregnancy thing, we're talking about trying to get pregnant in April, so it's kind of like dammit, just when I get motivated to lose weight again, I'll be trying to get pregnant. But hopefully the motivation will carry into pregnancy and I can stay at a healthy pregnancy weight and get it off that much quicker after. Good luck with baby #2!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I've been there and I know exactly how you feel. Unfortunately we can't change the past, but the future and today you can control. I feel like this post is for me today, because, today I decided to stop striving for 'another' 10 lbs and be happy with the weight I am at which was my initial goal. Today I switched to maintenance. I feel like you saying this, is meant for me and I did the right thing.

    I lost 30 pounds 15 years ago and put it all back on again and when I look back I'm so mad at myself. But I've lost lots of weight again and I have a feeling because of MFP I'm never going to be overweight again. I know how mad you feel, but lets move on now, you can totally do this again and for good this time. If you need any support or help please let me know....

    Maria :-)

    I'm so happy my post helped you :) I think that's partly why I am so mad at myself, I was so greedy to lose more and more rather than just be happy with what I had, that my punishment was to gain so much back, lol. But yes, I KNOW I can do it again, so I will! Thank you!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and motivation. I WILL get back on the horse and repeat my past success. I love everyone here, you are all so supportive. Good luck with your own goals!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When I was stressing about not meeting my goals, this was helpful for me. It helped keep me on track to know I had a liltle wiggle room.

    It dawned on me that it's not hitting a number exactly, but falling within a range consistently...
    So, I went to the goals section and kept playing with the data I input. to get the following info
    You can figure out yours, but here's the idea...

    To lose 1lb/week I get 1240 cal

    To lose 1/2lb/week I get 1470 cal

    To maintain my GOAL weight I get 1670 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over by 400 cal
    I should still lose (maybe a little more slowly, but no reason to throw in the towel).

    To maintain my CURRENT weight I get 1720 cal
    ....unless I consistently go over by 500 cal
    I should not gain. So I'm not losing any ground. (I can take a break and then pick-up where I left off)

    Even if I am not hitting every goal dead on I'm still doing much than I was before MFP.
    which, for me, is reason enough to stick with it.

    Remember, it's not about being perfect it's about doing better.
    No matter where you start from it's all about taking baby steps.
    Later you look back and realize that all those baby steps add up to something substantial.

    Also recently read an article, that said one factor in successful weight loss is having measurable goals.
    I think this site is great for that.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Don't take this the wrong way, but I think that losing for a particular event is more likely to backfire. There is so much pressure on deadlines and you have stress anyways planning the special event... and then afterwards, you just want to go crazy and eat all the things that you stopped eating and you want to eat more to make up for the months of depravity. Lose weight to lose weight and be healthier, not to look better in a particular outfit on a particular day. If you are doing it for the long term, you can give yourself some leeway. If you get stuck with 15 lbs. left to lose, there is no rush to get it off right away.

    You can do this! Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Don't take this the wrong way, but I think that losing for a particular event is more likely to backfire. There is so much pressure on deadlines and you have stress anyways planning the special event... and then afterwards, you just want to go crazy and eat all the things that you stopped eating and you want to eat more to make up for the months of depravity. Lose weight to lose weight and be healthier, not to look better in a particular outfit on a particular day. If you are doing it for the long term, you can give yourself some leeway. If you get stuck with 15 lbs. left to lose, there is no rush to get it off right away.

    You can do this! Best of luck. :flowerforyou:

    Not taken the wrong way, but just to clarify I didn't start losing weight just for my wedding. I met my husband in July of 2007, I was already overweight but just 6 months into our relationship I gained 12 pounds from all the eating out dates and laying around staring into each other's eyes (lol). I was tired of being fat, and finally accepted the fact that I had gained more than just 20 pounds since high school and it was time to do something about it. I began my journey here in April of 2008 and lost my 50th pound in February of 2010 (got engaged the month prior).

    I felt the pressure to lose the last 15 pounds because ideally, I should have been at my goal about 6 months prior, but ya know life happens and goals take longer. So I thought the 9 months before my wedding would help me kick myself back into gear to lose the last of the weight, but instead the pressure, lack of time and exhaustion just added to my weight.
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    A big life change like that is really hard. 4 years ago I became a step-mom to an absolutely fantastic 3 year old (her Dad is pretty awesome too). With that my entire life changed and all of a sudden I not only had a career, but I had a family life. It is a tough ajustment. I am 40 lbs heavier since we married and its a transition. I know I am a dedicated wife and step-mom, but I have to make it a priority to take care of myself so I can take care of my family.

    I think you are doing fantastic! 50lbs is no small feet. Feel proud and know occasionally there will be changes that may or may not create set backs. Just learn to recognize the feelings that come with them and how to nip it before it gets you. Thats my advice from my personal experience.