So I need a little help.

ethanf1992 Posts: 19
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have lost around 10 lbs in a little over a week counting calories, exercise, and eating the way i should.

However, I am ADDICTED to my scale. I weigh myself ALL the time! I really want to start doing it just one a week or maybe every 3-4 days.

Was anybody else addicted to their scales when they first started losing?


  • I've been weighing myself every day for the last 10 months. It's not really a big deal.
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    yup i find if i weigh everyday i hold myself more accountable
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I find weighing myself every day isn't a big deal as long as I remember that the scale WILL change every day depending on what I drink and eat. If I eat a lot of sodium, I'll probably retain water and gain a pound or three... and so on. As long as you keep these things in mind and don't let the little fluctuations discourage you, it is probably ok. :smile:
  • I find weighing myself every day isn't a big deal as long as I remember that the scale WILL change every day depending on what I drink and eat. If I eat a lot of sodium, I'll probably retain water and gain a pound or three... and so on. As long as you keep these things in mind and don't let the little fluctuations discourage you, it is probably ok. :smile:

    YEAH, that's the thing.. I weight .3 more this morning than I did yesterday morning.. And it was just a little discouraging til i realized i couldn't of really gained fat for I ate under 1500 calories, I worked out for about an hour, ext; ext;.
  • ambermooo
    ambermooo Posts: 8 Member
    I use Wii Fit as my scale and main source of exercise right now - and it basically makes me weigh myself every day as the "body test" - but I always try to remember that fluctuations are natural and only record my weight on here once a week. :)
  • cdmckay711
    cdmckay711 Posts: 28 Member
    I weigh myself a couple time a day. I only log my loss of weight once I have mantained it for at least two days. I think it fine.
  • ambermooo
    ambermooo Posts: 8 Member
    YEAH, that's the thing.. I weight .3 more this morning than I did yesterday morning.. And it was just a little discouraging til i realized i couldn't of really gained fat for I ate under 1500 calories, I worked out for about an hour, ext; ext;.

    Your weight can fluctuate about 2 pounds throughout the day just depending on what you just ate or if your stomach is empty...or if you even just drank a ton of water - water has a weight! :)
  • Yeah true. I think it would motivate me MORE if I weighed myself once a week, and seen a BIGGER change, than the little changes I see everyday.
  • I'm definitely addicted to the scale. I need to break that habit.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I weigh myself several times a day and don't really see a problem with it because it doesn't upset me - I had a big nasty dinner tonight so I know the 2 lbs is just the food (yes I weighed myself right before and after just to see lol ). As long as it's not stressing you out and you realize that a little gain can easily be caused by things like eating/drinking soon before weighing yourself, I think it's ok. :p
  • Tipring
    Tipring Posts: 21 Member
    My scale broke over 10 years ago. So I have been using my neighbors scale (am only weiging in once a week). So, I thought I would buy a $10 scale at the store. Took it out of the package, it did not work!! LOL!! I took that as a sign that it is not time to have a scale in the house yet. Hahaha
  • Do you think weighing too often is a bad thing or do you think people who find out that you weigh yourself too often will think it's a bad thing? I think that's the question you need to ask yourself.

    If you are weighing yourself too often & it is dictating how you are feeling about yourself then, yes it is a bad thing because as others have posted, your weight fluctuates all day & if this is going to "make or break" your resolve to stay on track, then remove the scales from your house so you are not tempted to weigh.

    If you feel okay when you weight yourself & it helps with your determination to stay on track, then go for your life.

    This is YOUR weight loss journey. What works for you, works for you. Me. Scales are a no go. I don't have a set of scales in the house. My priority & focus is getting into a smaller size pants. I know I am on the right track when my waist line gets smaller & my pants feel baggier. This is what works for me.

    Stay strong & stay focused. :wink:
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I think you're normal. I probably weigh myself more than you - I weigh when I get up, after I eat, after and before I do things in the bathroom, weigh myself at I LOVE IT! And I feel that I can *see* how I'm doing, if I've done something wrong, etc. It's really FUN for me, and I enjoy being addicted to it.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    I must be in a completely different club than you guys! lol. I hate getting on that scale and I weigh myself either once a week or every two weeks. I try to weigh in on Mondays but if I miss it that first week, I wait till the next Monday to weigh in.

    I was taught by my boot camp trainer to not be chained to your scale. Reason being that depending on the type of exercise you are doing, your weight is going to be constantly fluctuating between weight loss and muscle gain wich WILL give you a weight gain on the scale. Then by seeing a weight gain on the scale may kind of spook you into not eating the way you should because you think you did something wrong with your diet when that really isn't the case.
  • I gave my scales away! They were a total source of torment for me, especially if I'd been really 'good' and put on a pound overnight. Now I weigh in once a week at the gym...
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    :flowerforyou: Once a week is often enough, look forward to the lovely surprise that is a weeks weight loss:happy: Maybe instead of weighing yourself every day, when you get the urge go for a walk...
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