Diet Chef anyone?

Hi, been here for a week and started diet chef one week ago.
I haven't got any friends as of yet, so would be nice to add a few, especially people on the same diet as me, but anyone battling with some extra weight would be great too. I am a finnish girl living in Halifax, UK.

I can't believe it but I have lost 12 pounds in my 1s week, this is truly incredible. I think it will slow down now, but gave me a good boost anyhow this morning when I weighed myself :D

I am slightly insane, I have also quit smoking this week, I know diet and quitting are like polar opposites, they dont work together, but the main reason for this diet is that I managed to quit smoking last year for 4 months and put on 2 stone in the process.

So anyone else who has quit smoking or thinking about it would be a great friend too, you would understand my PAIN lol.

Anyhow, nice to have this place, hope to make some friends and some progress.

Have a great weekend ya all!


  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    I quit smoking 7 months ago then almost 4 months ago started on the weight loss journey it's rough but if i can accomplish both anyone can. I don't know if i could have done both at once though lol
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    Lots of great people on here, you can start by the find members feature. Just start adding; worst that can happen is someone chooses not to accept :wink:
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome
    feel free to add me as a friend :)
    well done on both quitting and losing weight! i quit smoking last new year and literally went cold turkey - was hard but it totally worked for me!

    good luck xx
  • Amaris1973
    Amaris1973 Posts: 45 Member
    Did you find that you put on weight after quitting smoking?
  • Amaris1973
    Amaris1973 Posts: 45 Member
    OMG you have done so well, 45 pounds lost, that is AMAZING! Well done you!
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    ya i gained 10 lbs after quitting but lost that plus some!