
G'morning everyone!

Yesterday, I started my day with 3 hardboiled egg whites, a slice of whole wheat toast with raspberry jam, 2 cups of juice (made with crystal light), and a coffee with a splash of skim milk, and 1 tbsp of sugar. A pretty hefty breakfast right?

A few hours later, I started getting hungry, so I had 2 kiwi fruits and a granola bar. Half an hour later, my legs were shaking, I was dizzy, and really weak. My friend said it was hypoglycemia and that I should go to the doc to get my sugar levels tested.

This happens, probably 3-4 times a week. Does anyone else deal with this? Or know anything about it?




  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    I'm hypoglycemic so this does sound like it. I make sure to split up my meals into lots of healthy snacks and eat every 2-3 hours. I also have to pay attention to my body, if I start getting shaky/dizzy, I'll have a snack. Doing this, I can really keep it under control.
  • tiger87lilly
    tiger87lilly Posts: 139 Member
    I am hypoglycemic. From the looks of your diet for that day I would not be feeling to well myself. When your body produces to much insulin you need to take in extra protien to stablize it. Your diet that day was high in sugar...fruit...jam...bread...granola bar, these all would send my body into an insuling producing frenzy. If you are having problems with feeling dizzy or lighthead post a meal you should see your doctor to get checked out.

    FYI spikes in blood sugar also can cause the same symptom....many diabetics complain of the same symptom.
  • carolyne2

    I'm diabetic and it could well be this, Go to your doctor and get a test done, don't let it slip as diabeeties can be very dangerous to sight and you could end up loosing toes and feet. Please take it seriously.:smile:
  • farmerswife87
    I think I need eating lessons, I have no idea about food and nutrition.

    Why do we not get taught this stuff in school? I know calculus equations, how to balance a chemistry equation, and who was the first prime minister of Canada, all stuff I haven't even thought of since I graduated. But food and weight? It's the biggest challenge of my day! And I'm a stay at home mom of 2 kids under 4, and a full time web design student! That's saying something!
  • aeevr
    aeevr Posts: 34
    I have hypoglycemia (self-diagnosed). I cannot eat sugar especially when I am hungry.

    The only thing that I have found so far to keep it under control is to follow a low-carb diet.

    Also, I need to have something fibrous with fat and protein to keep my blood stable (to feel hunger like normal people, without the shaking/visual disturbances/dizzyness/brain fog/headaches).

    So I can't just have eggs and bacon for breakfast. I need eggs and some sort of vegetable. I can't eat any fruit without full fat yogurt or nuts or I will quickly crash. I can't drink alcohol without a full meal. I have to make sure to carry nuts (which have fiber, protein and fat) with me if I start getting hungry and a meal is not forthcoming.

    I'm not going to lie to you, this sucks. It's a pain and makes spontaneously doing stuff (like going hiking or eating out) difficult. I just have to be honest with myself that I am broken and I (or my blood sugar/insulin) will never react to food normally ever again.
    On the plus side I can get through the day clear-headed.

    Also, you might find it helpful to take supplements that include zinc, magnesium, B12, B6 possibly biotin, choline, inositol and chromium.

    You could also consider purchasing a blood glucose meter to determine your reactions to food.

    Please do not take what I say as gospel. Just suggestions for things you may want to try. I am not diabetic and have a low (almost bordering on abnormal) fasting level.

    You should definitely have a fasting blood glucose test done to rule out diabetes/pre-diabetes.
  • tiger87lilly
    tiger87lilly Posts: 139 Member
    I think I need eating lessons, I have no idea about food and nutrition.

    Why do we not get taught this stuff in school? I know calculus equations, how to balance a chemistry equation, and who was the first prime minister of Canada, all stuff I haven't even thought of since I graduated. But food and weight? It's the biggest challenge of my day! And I'm a stay at home mom of 2 kids under 4, and a full time web design student! That's saying something!

    Yeah they teach you basics in elementary school and then serve these kids the worst nutritional quality foods. It's a 'do as a I say, not as I do" situation. No wonder we are the most unhealthy country in the world we are confusing these poor kids!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Try this for breakfast:
    1 large wrap I like grimms whole wheat whol grain or their flaxseed wrap
    1 whole egg
    2 egg whites
    1/4 cup of chopped green pepper and red pepper each (mega vit C boost)
    1/8 cup chopped precooked mushrooms (optional this is for vit D)
    1 tbsp salsa (whatever kind u prefer)
    2 slices of butterball turkey bacon (optional its a great alternative to regular bacon) get reduced salt if possible

    Mix the eggs, peppers, mushrooms in a bowl. Heat your 2 frying pans use pam olive oil cooking spray to lube the pans. Now throw in the bacon first to get it going, then throw the egg mix into another pan and cook it salt it lightly if preffered I do sometimes and some fresh cracked pepper (get a pepper mill the flavour is fantastic). Cook eggs till done, then put on wrap (you can preheat them in the microwave to make them easier to fold) The add the bacon and the salsa, wrap and eat. It gives you some carbs but a great dose of vit C and D as well as protein and its only 350 ish calories. During the day when you feel the first pangs of hunger eat a handful of almonds and peanuts unsalted and unflavoured. If you need more meal ideas I have lots let me know. FYI the key I found to getting my sugars stable was to eat lots of protein and good carbs and fats.
  • farmerswife87
    Thank you so much! I feel better that I'm not alone, and thanks for the recipe! I'm definitely going to see the doc, to check everything out, there is a lot of diabetes on one side of my family.