BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I keep reading and seeing on here that people are supposed to eat their exercise calories...I can't understand what that means.
I know you have to have your net calories at a minimum of 1200.

I'm allowed 1560 calories a day, and I'm supposed to burn off 606 calories per day. So, does that mean I'm supposed to eat back 606 calories? It doesn't seem right. Because my actual total would be 2112 a day for calories eaten.

That doesn't seem my question is...Are you supposed to eat your calories up to a net of 1200 [After adding in exercise] or is your net supposed to equal your daily allotment?


  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Hi there,
    I know it's confusing, but trust me, it works! Take a look at this link...

    Good luck!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Net calories are calories consumed minus calories burned. So if you consume 1560 and burn 606 your body is only getting 954 calories to use. The absolute minimum net calories you should get in order to (hopefully) keep your body functioning properly is 1200. So you'd be 244 short.

    So yes, you need to eat your exercise calories! MFP already gives you a calorie deficit when it sets your daily calorie goal, meet your calorie goal!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Eat your exercise calories :o) Simply said haha but for the details the link provided will definitely clear things up for you!
  • tjstuck
    tjstuck Posts: 2 Member
    your are supose to the eat the calories you burn ? I don't see how that can work either ??? .....
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