Will Power

HelpClaireMelt Posts: 17
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I was reading somewhere on the internet that Will Power is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it becomes, it goes both ways ie. giving something up or doing something even though you don't want too (if its good for you)
I 've been working on this for some time and have found it to be True.
It was recomended to use this process on not that important things to start IE (I don't want to unload the dishwasher right now ) and trivial things like that but do it anyway and build up to more things over time. It's a way to regain control over your thoughts
I hope this can be of help to some of you


  • That is good-a different way of thinking about will power. It amazes how hard it can be to resist even the smallest temptaions and I end up having satisfied my temptation but mad at myself for the indulgence. Appetite is such a strong force-and it always wants more. If you start giving it what it wants you get more and more lbs. Then if you decide not to give it to lose weight for whatever reason-it fights to stay satisfied. In my case I am more serious than I ever have been due to health issues. like Blood Pressure and Cholesterol agravated by over-weight. So for a year I have struggled with eating less, counting calories on this site and have lost a bunch of weight but not enough since I waited so long. A psycologist told me if I wanted to develop a habit to tape it to my mirror where I get dressed so I will see it every day. He said just to forced it to start and if I forced it long enough it would become a habit. Eating right has (finally) become a habit and the online food diary is a major part of that education and computation. Yet still I will have set backs and look for anything sweet I can find. Pathetic really-but true. So I put it in the past (after beating myself up for a short while) and move back "on the wagon". It is such a long process but the benefits way exceed the negatives. So onward-and here is to good habits!
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