Foodies Anonymous

Hi, my name is Tracy and I'm an "Iron Chef"-aholic.

(Which is how I got here in the first place.)

I'm in DFW and work in Advertising. I gained 45 lbs over the last year due to an increasingly demanding workload... 60+ hours at a laptop scarfing down whatever is closest to your face is not good for the waistline.

My ex-husband had 2 heart attacks before age 43 due to many unhealthy habits; therefore I have a serious obligation to stay healthy for my 2 teenage girls and show them a better example. I quit smoking 2 years ago, after burning through 20-30 menthols a day for over 15 years. I figure if I can manage that one, I can deal with dropping 60 lbs.

After watching some friends drop weight like a stone, I decided to try HCG drops like they did. The weight's coming off well but believe me, I'm whining the whole time. There has been a lot of trial and error with this regimen because I don't like to follow strict rules. It definitely works but it is not easy at all. (Yes, I was a skeptic, too.)

I'm a hardcore Foodie; I can't stay out of Central Market to save my life. I'm a music junkie and an art fiend. I'm kinda geeky about hobbies like puzzles, codes and strategy games. I discuss politics, religion and other controversial topics. I like road trips and museums. I miss dark beer, dirty Martinis and Chianti. I currently have Writer's Block. YAY.

I would enjoy meeting other people here who share similar goals and interests. Cheers! :drinker: